About Kristen Lamb

Kristen Lamb is the author of the top resource for author branding in the digital age, Rise of the Machines—Human Authors in a Digital World. She’s also the #1 best-selling books We Are Not Alone—The Writer’s Guide to Social Media and Are You There, Blog? It’s Me, Writer. 

Kristen has guided writers of all levels, from unpublished green peas to NY Times best-selling big fish, how to use social media to create a solid platform and brand. Most importantly, Kristen helps authors of all levels connect to their READERS and then maintain a relationship that grows into a long-term fan base. She is the C.E.O. of WANA International and the founder of WANATribe, the social network for writers.

To contact Kristen, e-mail kristen at wana intl dot com.

  1. #1 by ReadersHeaven on September 22, 2010 - 4:33 pm

    Hi, nice to meet you !

  2. #2 by Kathy Owen on December 4, 2010 - 2:57 am

    Hi, Kristen –

    I just downloaded your book on my Nook a couple of days ago, and now I understand why my blog hasn’t been working! I’ve been posting about the writing process (Facebook discussion material, as you call it), instead of content. My novel is a nineteenth-century mystery, and I could be using more of the fruits of my research labor on my blog.

    I’ve been using blogspot rather than wordpress, though. Can I just keep blogspot and reconstruct my site? (But I don’t know how to do excerpts on it). Also, I already have a social Facebook page – do I need to take all my kids’ photos (and my birthday) off of it now?

    A publisher has expressed an interest in my novel (my first), but asked a lot of hard questions about ow I’d promote it. The question really took me by surprise; I thought that was their job (but now I know better)! Unfortunately, as a result, I don’t know if they will come through with an offer or not; I’m still waiting to hear.

    At least with your book, now I feel like I know how to (re)start, rather than the flailing around I’ve been doing! This is the first time I feel as if I have some control over getting my name out there and networking. I want to be ready for the next time a publisher expresses interest.

    Thanks for everything,
    Kathy Owen (yep, my name is as common as a grain of sand, and that’s another challenge)

    • #3 by Author Kristen Lamb on December 4, 2010 - 1:32 pm

      Kathy, LOL….uh…Shephen King isn’t a unique name. His writing defines him. Dan Brown. Nora Roberts. None of these are terribly exciting names. So Kathy Owen is just fine. I found Blogspot difficult to work with and why I chose WordPress was that it was easy to integrate later into a web site. But, of course you can use whatever blogging platform you like. I just had to choose one for the book so I didn’t make people’s brains explode.

      You shouldn’t have your birthday on there at all anyway. Hackers and phishers LOVE to get their grubby too-good-to-work-like-the-rest-of-us-hands-on them. That is just asking for trouble. If people know you they know your birthday. As far as a personal page. I have two. I have one under my married name where I put family pictures and interact as a married mom. The other page is my face as an author. But that is because I am lazy. You can set the album’s security protocols to where only close family and friends can see the pics. You will have to group your friends on FB who you don’t mind seeing pics of your kiddos into a category, and then set the album’s protocols. I was too lazy to do that. FB frowns on multiple pages…only if you are squatting on them. So long as both profiles are active, FB won’t care.

      Yes, agents are now wanting fiction authors to be able to demonstrate a sales platform. That is why I dedicate Wednesdays to teaching social media. Agents/editors will choose a lesser author with a platform first. If you don’t believe me…um Snooki has a book. There are also powerhouse bloggers who get offered book deals.

      The good news is that if you follow what I teach in my book, you will be suprised how quickly your platform will grow, because not only are your efforts now focused, but all efforts feed the other platforms. Also, I will be teaching a new series coming this Wednesday about blogging, so I hope you stop by. Blogging on your topic is just a better way to always have fresh material and not to get burned out.

      Best of luck and thanks for letting me know that my book is a blessing. Please stop by if you have any more questions :D.

      • #4 by Sharron Miles on April 4, 2011 - 7:38 pm

        Hi Kristen,
        Canyou please give me a call. I need to talk to you about Rotary and social networking.
        Sharron Miles

      • #5 by Cindy on January 20, 2015 - 4:01 pm

        I just wanted to tell you thank you. I bought Rise of the Machines: Human Authors in a Digital World early last year. I will admit. I was somewhat skeptical of yet another way to sell books with social media. The book made perfect sense. It wasn’t a quick fix and it aligned with many of my own thoughts. I read through the first half of the book and decided to see for myself if your suggestions worked.

        I will have to say, yes. They did. My book is releasing Jan 27 from Kregel and I took your thoughts to heart. Never having been much on facebook or twitter, I decided to get to know my facebook friends.

        I found three things get the bulk of attention on Facebook. 1) pets 2) prayer requests 3) babies. So I started there making comments on posts I would normally just read and pass by. I found myself growing to know the grandmother who prayed faithfully for her prodigal grandson. I cried with her when she hurt, and cheered when she opened her door to find him standing on the porch. All that to say, I’ve grown to truly be friends with my facebook friends and they see I have a true vested love and interest in them.

        I occasionally mentioned my book – i.e. signing the contract, the book cover when I first received it and really that was about it. When Kregel sent me the excerpt to post, I posted it on my website with a link for my facebook friends. But I think one of the best things I did was start to familiarize folks with the Appalachian Mountains.

        My book is an Appalachian novel, set in the late 1800s. I wanted folks to learn to appreciate our culture here. So I started a Mountain Trivia. (Things like what is sop? a) something you do with a mop B) red eye gravy C) biscuits used to sop up gravy.) In the beginning I posted it twice a week. I’d post two weeks and then rest a week. Post two weeks, and rest a week. I noticed the responses began to grow. And the shares began to happen. Then I dropped back to only posting trivia once a week. This had folks asking…where’s the trivia. The whole point was to build a bit of a buzz about the Appalachian mountains, which is exactly what happened. When I posted one time, “A friend just sent me an email and said she pre-ordered my book on Amazon. I DIDN’T KNOW IT WAS AVAILABLE FOR PREORDER.” Tons of notes began to pour in. “Just preordered. – Done, pre-ordered. etc.) Needless to say, I was a little stunned. Then two weeks ago, Amazon fouled up and released the book before it was to release. They did not have books to fill the orders. In fact, they couldn’t fill all the pre-orders, and now (still before the official release), they cannot keep up with the orders. Amazon sold out. All because one FB friend emailed me that she pre-ordered the book and all the other fb folks began to pre-order. Point is…I did nothing. My FB friends did it for me.

        Here we are still a couple of weeks from official release date and Amazon is sending letters repeatedly to folks who have ordered…”We’re sold out. Bear with us. We’ll ship as soon as we receive the books.”

        Last week a local friend posted a pic of a pre-copy she’d received from the publisher. “LOOK WHAT I GOT! My copy of Mercy’s Rain. Can’t wait to read it.” And the buzz went nuts. Thing is…what you said would happen did. I didn’t have to wave a flag about my book, my fb friends did it for me because we’d grown to be friends.

        I know this is a long email. And I hope you stick with me, because I wanted you to know, that if writers will simply take heed, your process works. I’m the skeptic turned believer. Thanks to your guidance, Amazon is sold out, Ingram was sold out and waiting for new books. OH MY GOSH.

        So thank you Kristen. You really are very savvy on how to use social media. Who knows what will happen with the books sales of a debut author. But if things continue like they are…then wow. Thanks for you wisdom.

        Blessings to you and prayers over your work.

        Best Regards,

        Cindy Sproles
        Cindy K. Sproles

        Christian Devotions, Executive Editor
        Managing Editor, SonRise Devotionals
        Straight Street Books


    • #6 by elle on July 18, 2012 - 6:40 pm

      Which book did you download and where is the link?

  3. #7 by Abelardo Renaldo Rodriguez on December 12, 2010 - 3:33 am

    Who knows why life is a highway and we are all riding on it. Along the way to our destination, not that there is a defined destination we can control. The journey is the interesting part. And the reason it is so interesting is, there are people like you who make it worth truckin’ on to see who or what is going to happen next. I can truly say I am a blessed person. I own Ernest Hemingway’s 9 Iron, I got it from a writers wife, that writer was Denny Petticlerc. He was my upstairs neighbor for many years. He would stay at home all the time writing,writing,writing. He was writing Hemingways Life Story. Denny told me he met Hemingway in Cuba when they were Newspaper Writers covering the Revolution. You have inadvertently inspired me to get off my ASS and write.Muchisimas Gracias. You will be hearing about me or from me very soon.

    • #8 by Author Kristen Lamb on December 12, 2010 - 1:56 pm

      And why haven’t you written a BOOK about this????? Abelardo, I so see a Hemingway-Key west-Cuba blog in your future. Please keep me posted :D.

  4. #9 by Mary Ellen Ryall on December 13, 2010 - 2:19 am

    Thanks Kristen. I enjoyed your humor and expertise. I am writing on my wordpress Blog. The project of my heart is Monitoring of species at the Monarch Butterfly Habitat that we created. It is a draft. Today I started to add photos and research. Thanks for confirming we need social media platforms to connect, network, and publish.

    Right on,
    Mary Ellen

  5. #10 by Abelardo Renaldo Rodriguez on December 14, 2010 - 6:12 pm

    Dear Kristen Lamb, Happy Holidays, wishing you a Joyous, and oh! by the way, my website isn’t Greenpeasareme, I am still learning all the things I need to know about this wonderful machine. I only started using the computer since July 7,2010. I have a wonderful Mentor, she has been in Advertising in Chicago, with Needham Harper Worldwide, she ran their computer systems, than Rueben Postare here in L.A., Activision,(Computer Games) Ignited Minds(Publishing). Sylvia has 5 MacOSX computers and she lets me share one. I am gaining more and more skills regarding the machine [[computer]]. I will be getting your book and start working on my book. Again Thank You. May your entire Family be Healthy and Happy for the Holidays. I’ll try to write you soon. Abelardo Renaldo Rodriguez

    • #11 by Abelardo Renaldo Rodriguez on December 15, 2010 - 5:07 pm

      I get a little crazy with this machine. I wrote you a comment and didn’t hit reply . So my comment sat there all night aging with time. I hope it reads as good as it did yesterday.

  6. #12 by kate macnicol on December 21, 2010 - 6:13 pm

    Happy Holidays Kristen,

    I’m so tickled that Jane Friedman picked you as one the ten best tweets for writers in 2010. Congrats!

  7. #13 by G.H. Edwards on January 30, 2011 - 4:10 am

    Hi Kristen,
    I just finished your book and I understand the need for focus in a blog in order to build repeat readership, but I’m still a little stuck on what to focus on as fiction writer. Your advice is not to make your blog about your work in progress because then when you move on to your next book, you have to start from scratch again. I get that. Your advice is to glean topics from research. I brainstormed and created a list of ideas based on the advice from your book, so in my case, I could focus on the 1960s, and more specifically things like the fashions, the music, the movies, the draft, the Vietnam War and other events of the time. All of these relate to my novel, but would not be excerpts from it or directly discussing the novel itself in the posts. I can see that these topics, written well, would be more interesting to readers than if I just write about writing my book. I get that too. However, I suspect that my next novel will not be set in the same place or time as my current one. The topics are specifically tied to this novel and are not something that, for the long haul, I will desire to blog about after this book is finished. So I would have the same problem of needing to start over… but how would this be any different from having to start over because I am blogging about a WIP? Did I miss something? Help!

    • #14 by Author Kristen Lamb on January 30, 2011 - 3:35 pm

      The thing about a blog is that as you move project to project you have time to transition the topics. If readers like your voice and style they will often just move with you because you are connecting as a person. Think about a cocktail party. As long as someone is being engaging and is connecting, you aren’t going to walk away simply because the suject shifts. Does that help? I have a new book coming out that will teach a lot more about blogging. In the meatime, just blog on the subjects you mentioned and give them a common emotional thread that can be trasnitioned into the next block of subjects. 😀

      • #15 by superfreakinforty on April 18, 2012 - 11:54 pm

        This is fantastic advice. I’ve had a diary on Open Diary and a blog on blogger for years but only recently started my wordpress blog. I started it this month and with a focus that was lacking in the diary and the other blog. It’s a series of letters I am writing to my teenage son. At this point I am not certain when or if I will allow him access but my best guess right now is yes – my voice, one he will recognize, my legacy to him.

  8. #16 by Wendy Bertsch on February 1, 2011 - 4:12 pm

    Following your advice, I’ve been recycling the best outtakes from my book on my blog, and enjoying it ever so much more than I would if they went into the green bin!

    Author Kristen Lamb said 1 month ago:

    Wendy Bertsch said 1 month ago:


  9. #17 by dtrasler on February 11, 2011 - 8:57 pm

    Big thank you today. After your Mushroom post I decided I would follow the links of all the commenters (commentors? Both get red lines, so I’m doing something wrong!) and read THEIR blogs, and comment. Blog unto others, and you would have them blog unto you… Anyway, today my stats are WAY over what they would normally be on a posting day, and this is the only thing I did differently. Since I started reading your blog (and bought WANA) and following your advice, I’ve increased my readership by 400% and it’s been a steady rise. Plus you keep coming back to remind me NOT to sit on my laurels. Excellent job, thanks again.

    • #18 by Author Kristen Lamb on February 11, 2011 - 9:11 pm

      That is so awesome to hear. I know a lot of what I teach feels counterintuitive, but it works. If we will support others FIRST our platform will grow far faster. I am so happy to hear about your successes, and please keep me posted. I know I have always enjoyed that you take the time to comment on my posts :D.

    • #19 by triciatallen on April 17, 2014 - 10:37 am

      Sounds awesome!!! I just discovered Kristen’s blog today and will be following her advice as well.

  10. #21 by Jenny Hansen on February 26, 2011 - 3:43 am

    Hi Kristen!

    I have two questions I know you will have the answer for.

    1. We have a WordPress blog and are looking to add crosslinks to other sites (including this one). We’re still searching out widgets and have noticed that you are using much better ones than we are. Thoughts on where to search?

    2. We have an unpublished contest (http://dld.bz/MEvh) that we are trying to get the word out about for authors trying to get their pitch, or in this case their back cover blurb, in front of an acquiring editor. Angela James from Carina Press is the final judge and I’m working hard to get as many fantastic entries for her as possible. Any advice or forum suggestions are appreciated. Is it appropriate to ask you to tweet it? The deadline is Monday at 11:59 pm PST.

    I didn’t want to put you on the spot on Twitter so I’m burying this in the comments for an older blog. Thanks in advance! I’m very much looking forward to your March class.


    • #22 by Author Kristen Lamb on February 27, 2011 - 3:39 am

      LOL…I will e-mail or comment you an answer tomorrow. I have been at a conference all day and don’t have enough brain cells left to properly answer. 😉

  11. #23 by Olga SE on March 2, 2011 - 8:43 am

    Hi, Kristen!
    I am happy that I came across your blog. It is on my blogroll now. Some practical advice is really what I need as a blogger. Hope to return here often. Thank you for your work! 🙂

  12. #24 by Elizabeth Varadan on March 3, 2011 - 6:59 pm

    Hi, Kristen, I came to your blog by way of Ann Best. Enjoyed your article about “Normal World” and have bookmarked it and will be looking into your book. So helpful!

  13. #25 by Heather-Julian! ;) haha on March 7, 2011 - 3:22 am

    Hey, Ms. Kristen! Well, here I am, doing it….wandering blindly through the corridors of the promised lands: twitter, blogs, and all manner of other strange new worlds! hehe

    That said, I love the blog! You come off just as funny on the page as you did in person at the conference. But beyond loving the giggles and grins, I have to thank you so much for creating no less than a paradigm shift in terms of how I look at the word “platform”….a very positive shift indeed. Basically, I am naturally VERY individualistic in my writing and in all of my creative pursuits….so the idea of sharing was a very new one for me…but the way you explain it, as well as model it, makes it (almost) painless and (definitely) exhilarating! 😀

    Thanks so much for all you’ve shared! I’ll be in touch… 🙂
    Heather Cohen
    (the author formerly known as Heather-Julian! lol)

  14. #26 by barb19 on March 8, 2011 - 5:57 am

    I accidentally came across your blog through one of my blogging buddie’s comments regarding Twitter. I have a Twitter account but hardly use it – only because I’m not sure how to!
    Seems I’ve hit the jackpot coming to your site, so I have subscribed and will begin reading your Twitter Tuesday posts from #1.
    Nice to meet you Kristen!

  15. #27 by Julie Parker on March 20, 2011 - 9:28 pm

    I enjoyed your presentation on blogging at the DFWCon. Now that I’m researching it more, I will be buying your book as well! In the meantime, as I expressed my need to blog, tweet, and maybe have a website, my husband was terribly concerned about privacy and security. Won’t putting your real name out there cause potential psychos to hunt you down? he wondered. Frankly, while I believe in my abilities as a fiction author, I’m not sure that my writing is stalker-worthy yet. Do you have any perspective on this? I need to reassure him that I’m not opening up our front door to my future groupies.

    • #28 by Author Kristen Lamb on March 20, 2011 - 10:40 pm

      Thanks. Using a fake name earns you nothing but extra work. If someone wants to find you, they can. When you get my book, I give tips to stay safe. It is impossible to hide behind a pen name these days. Any ten-year-old with decent computer skills can find your real name. Thus anyone motivated enough to stalk you can find you. The only thing a pen name earns you is a crap load of extra work since you will have to keep up with multiple names and multiple pages and will not be able to tap your intimate connections. Trust me. Friends, coworkers and family will be your best marketing team.

      Sad to say that we have a lot of advantages these days. Instant communication. Worldwide influence. Instant access to a vast trove of information. But privacy is the cost. If we are writers, we are entertainers and if we are successful it will cost us our privacy.

  16. #29 by Delorfinde on March 22, 2011 - 2:05 pm

    I think you should totally use this article in a blog post …
    Oh, and I love your blog! 🙂

  17. #30 by Irene Vernardis on April 16, 2011 - 7:23 pm

    Hi. I’m not thrilled about blogspot either, but since I started a blog like two weeks ago, it’s good for now. Interesting info however, about the integration into a web site.

    As for Facebook, I made two accounts, I kept my old account as a personal account with my friends, and I made a new account strictly for writing & publishing. I feel it’s more organized as that.

    Thank you 🙂

  18. #31 by Stacy on April 18, 2011 - 8:03 pm

    I’m going to bother you again today. I’m brand new to blogging, and I’d thought I would blog about the writing process and the ups and downs along the way. But I’m seeing this is a bad idea. You believe blog topics should be gleaned from your research centered around your book?
    Thanks for all your help today!

    • #32 by Author Kristen Lamb on April 18, 2011 - 8:18 pm

      I have a new book coming out soon, called “Are You There, Blog? It’s Me, Writer.” This book will teach you all you ever wanted to know about blogging. Blogging on the writing process is okay, but I will tell you now that it will be literally impossible to build a large following. So, you put all this effort into a blog and it doesn’t do anything to build your platform. My goal is to make you efficient and effective so you have time left over to write more books ;).

      • #33 by Stacy on April 20, 2011 - 2:58 pm

        I know I sound like a broken record, but I can’t tell you how much your comments the other day on narrative structure helped me. You helped me take an impartial step back and think about the novel from a reader’s perspective, and I’m in the middle of constructing a new opening/first scene that I’m very excited about, so thank you!

      • #34 by Marin on May 21, 2013 - 12:40 am

        I have a new book come out as well, called “The Last One.” It a true story of an orphan child surviving the “killing fields” of Cambodia.

    • #35 by Stacy on April 18, 2011 - 11:53 pm

      That sounds awesome! When is it coming out?

      • #36 by Author Kristen Lamb on April 19, 2011 - 12:08 am

        May 15th is the scheduled release date. I hope it is awesome. I think it is :D.

  19. #37 by Traci Schwartz on May 2, 2011 - 9:03 pm

    Hi Kristen! It was great to meet you this weekend. I got a lot out of your class on blogging and tweeting. I’m still a little nervous (ignorant) about getting started, but I’m hoping your book will help me along.
    Thanks again!

  20. #38 by christasterken on May 4, 2011 - 2:51 am

    Alrighty then. Exactly how long have you been blogging? I am laughing so much at your posts, that now I feel the nagging sensation that if I don’t backtrack and read them all I am cheating myself. Geez, what about my OWN writing? Not very thoughtful of you to be so funny 🙂 I forgive you.

    • #39 by Author Kristen Lamb on May 4, 2011 - 12:29 pm

      LOL. Thanks for such a great compliment. Been blogging almost two years, but it took over a year for me to loosen up and be myself, and I have been told I am funny. My comedic abilities were developed over years of switching schools and always being the new kid. It’s a defense mechanism, sort of like peeing on yourself so you don’t get eaten. 😀

      Happy you are enjoying the posts. My new book “Are You There, Blog? It’s Me, Writer” is a collection of the best posts, so you might want to pick up a copy. Looking forward to chatting with you in the comments section.

  21. #40 by I Write l 2writewithpassion on May 6, 2011 - 7:18 am

    Hi Kristen, I just discovered your blog this evening when I saw the post about #myWANA referenced on Twitter. From what I’ve read so far, you have me hooked. Would keep on reading but need to sleep sometime tonight. Keep on doing what you’re doing – your energy energizes!

  22. #41 by Karen Engelsen on May 14, 2011 - 3:46 pm

    Well, dangety dang if my instincts weren’t just confirmed! I’ve been blogging my research into Viking culture, & a month into the project, my traffic is accelerating. The key to that was StumbleUpon. Since I’m blogging content of research, someone found it and ‘liked’ it. It’s very affirming to read here how I’m on the right track. Thanks for your delighful posts!

  23. #42 by Mark Knight on May 25, 2011 - 5:38 am

    Well it just goes to show, one simple tweet follow can lead me here, a fountain of new knowledge. Thank you Kristen.

  24. #43 by Christin Mowery on May 26, 2011 - 6:38 pm

    Thank you for your dedication to helping writers build their platforms, and, thereby, increase their sales. Your blog posts are always funny, inspiring and encouraging.

  25. #44 by E Hunter on June 2, 2011 - 4:35 pm

    Just found your blog! Looking forward to reading more; looks like you have some great advice. Thanks so much for putting it out there!

  26. #45 by Catherine Johnson on June 4, 2011 - 10:51 am

    Hi Kristen,
    I loved WE ARE NOT ALONE and I’m so grateful for all the tips and instructions in there. I was very shy about talking about writing on Facebook before, I didn’t want to annoy old friends on there but now I don’t care. You read what you want to read on Facebook, they’ll either like it or skim passed. I used to only chat with writers I knew on Twitter (so scared of sounding silly) but you’ve given me the shove to reach out to new people and once the ball is rolling is it so easy to continue, thank you so much.

    I’ve done a blog post with you in for Tuesday. Here it is: http://catherinemjohnson.wordpress.com/?p=1688&preview=true

    Thank you 🙂

  27. #46 by Karma Lee Nash on June 10, 2011 - 1:53 am


    Like others, I wish I had found you a few months ago. Your advice just feels right. Going away from home for a week, and my iPad will be loaded with your books. And I see me sitting on the balcony overlooking the Atlantic reading your blog posts. And figuring out how to take your advice and go back and start over on my social writing.

    I have two facebooks accounts, both active, one personal and one for my social/public self. I keep them very separate for some odd reasons, but hope that those two worlds never cross.

    Again, thank you so much for all the information. Off to download!


  28. #47 by Ross Parker on June 18, 2011 - 3:41 am

    I felt exactly the same way about the prequels:-)

    Found this really great post on how the prequels should have been here: http://fanfix.wordpress.com/category/star-wars/

  29. #48 by munira on June 19, 2011 - 8:16 am

    Hey Kristen, since I like your blog so much, I gave you an award! Check it out here 🙂

    The ‘Yes! I like this!’ blog award goes to….


  30. #49 by Sharon Hamilton on August 24, 2011 - 6:13 pm

    That picture looked like my heroine on the first draft of my recent WIP. It could have also been my next door neighbor.

    I’m dishing out some words of wisdom from my 11 month grandson today:

  31. #50 by Donald Bueltmann on August 28, 2011 - 3:36 pm

    Hi Kristen, I’m working my way through your book We are Not Alone. I think it is a marvelous book and have recommended it to many.
    I’m hung up on a problem (creating a brand). I’m 72 years old and haven’t worked for 20 years. At this point in my life I don’t consider myself to be an expert on anything.
    I have self-published three books, Fulfillment is a Place- a travel narrative; The Gift-a children’s religious story; A Little Mischief and a Lotta Love – a tribute book about my Yorkshire terrier.
    I’m currently working on a Sci/Fantasy trilogy.
    I built a web page and have set up pages on Facebook — under my name and under my company name.
    What would you suggest I blog about? The only thing I am knowledgable about is computer software– and I’m not even writing about that.
    Noone is visiting or buying my ebooks on Amazon, I need to attract their attention.

    Help Don

    • #51 by Author Kristen Lamb on August 28, 2011 - 5:34 pm

      Take my Author Blogging for Brand class in October. It’s $40 and I will walk you through what will work for you and your content. One month is lessons and the next month is launch where I am there to guide you as you get started. Can’t beat the price ;).

  32. #52 by Donald Bueltmann on August 28, 2011 - 6:09 pm

    Please tell me more about this class? How is it taught? Is it an online class?


  33. #54 by Amanda Rudd on August 31, 2011 - 12:57 pm

    It feels a little weird for me, the lowly follower, to be giving you, the Mistress, an award, but when I was awarded the Versatile Blogger Award I had to share the love! So here ya go: The Versaltile Blogger Award

  34. #55 by Mollie Player on September 3, 2011 - 3:28 pm

    K –

    How do I read your blog on my RSS reader? Where is the RSS subscription button?


    • #56 by Author Kristen Lamb on September 3, 2011 - 4:47 pm

      Elephant with the stripey butt in the right hand column :D.

      • #57 by shannon on October 18, 2011 - 9:23 am


        I have a question regarding your article on blogging successfully. Do you have an email address I can email you personally? You can reply to me at *masked*@yahoo.com

  35. #58 by Mollie Player on September 4, 2011 - 6:56 pm

    thanks much!

  36. #59 by don Bueltmann on September 5, 2011 - 2:00 pm

    Kristen, after reading “We Are Not Alone” it makes me happy to know that I did something right. When I was preparing my webpage I bought Goldentreebooks.com, someone mentioned I should also secure my name…voila ….my brand donaldbueltmann.com. Now I have to make some changes to my webpage and republish under my brand.

    Hope you’re enjoying the holiday.

    Don Bueltmann

  37. #60 by griffmama on November 27, 2011 - 9:38 am

    Kristen ~ I bought and devoured your book, Are you there Blog? It’s Me, Writer. Loved it and learned tons! Your voice is so personable and you made me laugh out loud more than a few times. I started a fitness blog about 6 months ago and, yes, I hid behind a fancy schmancy name and generic picture. Woops! I know what you said about claiming your name and branding it. I don’t want to write fitness books though and so I’m thinking of starting a whole new blog with my name because my genre would have absolutely nothing to do with fitness. It breaks my heart because I have quite a few people following my blog. I just don’t think they’d be interested in any other subject matter. *Sigh* Well, I’m off to buy We Are Not Alone, which I’m sure is awesome. Thanks for all of your teachings!


    • #61 by Author Kristen Lamb on November 27, 2011 - 8:22 pm

      I am thrilled you liked the book and thanks for taking the time to tell me :D. You might want to consider taking my Blogging for Brand class in January. It might help you hone in faster on content that will keep you creative for the long-haul.

      • #62 by griffmama on November 27, 2011 - 10:50 pm

        Sounds great! Where do I sign up?

        • #63 by griffmama on November 27, 2011 - 11:01 pm

          Nevermind! Found it! See you there : )

      • #64 by buckdeboey on December 11, 2011 - 11:33 am

        I too Kristen am so impressed by your books.

  38. #65 by Mary on December 31, 2011 - 3:35 pm

    Kristin, any way you could squeeze me into your Jan. blog class? I have your book – does the class go o more in-depth?

  39. #66 by annekosem on January 15, 2012 - 12:53 pm

    Just found your blog. I can’t wait to read your book

  40. #67 by Donna S. on January 20, 2012 - 9:19 am

    Hi Kristen; I’m thankful to have just found your blog because I’m at the beginning of having published Kindle eBook, “Lucci The No Smoochie Poochie,” and hopefully, I haven’t made too many bad mistakes-yet! I am buying your book but wanted to ask a quick question, if you’d be so kind. After offering the book free last weekend, the stats of the book are good (children’s ebooks>animals=#12, and children’s ebooks>animals>pets=#1). What is the most important thing I should be doing to drive folks to find my book (and buy it) before it loses its ranking? I have a Facebook page: “lucci the no smoochie poochie book,” and a blog but it isn’t under my name but my twitter account is.

  41. #68 by Bette Isacoff on January 23, 2012 - 10:26 pm

    Hi Kristin,

    At Marion Lane’s suggesion, I signed up for a course of yours several months ago. Due to some major flooding with damage here, I never got to take it. Is the material still available and, if so, how do I retrieve it?

    Thanks so much!

  42. #69 by Marvin Mayer on January 31, 2012 - 3:20 pm

    Hi, Kristen,
    I’m half way through “We are not alone” and I wanted to let you know I am enjoying it so much, I also just subscribed to your blog. Thank you for making the social media something understandable.


  43. #70 by Donna Martin on February 1, 2012 - 9:53 pm

    Kristen, I love your blog and wish I would have found it sooner but now, I’m here to stay!

    I wrote about you on my own blog this morning (http://donasdays.blogspot.com) and presented you with the Versatile Blogger Award! I am always inspired by your posts and continue to grow as a writer by reading them!

    Thanks for all that you do for new writers!

  44. #71 by Adam Gaylord on February 14, 2012 - 1:02 am

    I’m just getting started with my own blog (http://adamsapple2day.blogspot.com/) and I come to yours all the time for tips and pointers. Thanks for helping all of us who are just trying to get our foot in the door!

  45. #72 by Lee Fullbright on February 14, 2012 - 11:42 am

    Hello Kristen, I’ve been following you for a short time–and, finally, my first comment, which is, I love nearly everything you put out– but, right now, this post especially. Great info, insight, and, as always, you’re a hoot and a half. Best. Blog. Ever.

  46. #73 by Holly Michael on February 17, 2012 - 5:28 pm

    Read your book and was so impressed. I’ve got an agent looking at my novel and you’re now my guru.

    • #74 by Author Kristen Lamb on February 17, 2012 - 6:16 pm

      So happy to hear of your success. Please keep us posted!

  47. #75 by granbee on February 18, 2012 - 12:27 pm

    Kristen, I wanted to leave a comment on your latest post, “Don’t Eat the Butts” BUT the Netgear Firewall on this system I am working on right now blocks any post with the syllable “butt” in the title! Fortunately, I was able to read the post in my email notification. The one “butt” that struck me was the trap of continuing to work over and over the same novel year in and year out! A definite killer for an author. I have found that my work on my allegorical adult fairy tale series has benefitted by writing contributing author posts at other sites (upon invitation, of course!) and a few essays and working on some rough illustrations to submit to someone for polishing to go with my fairty tale series. Love your blog, but am still a little skittish about the WANA thing, okay? Please forgive!

  48. #76 by D.J. Lutz on February 24, 2012 - 10:16 pm

    Hi Kristen – just wanted to tell you that I attended a writer’s conference today and the lit. agent who spoke on current industry trends validated everything you mention in your book! It was awesome already understanding what she was saying because I had read WANA. Thanks!

    • #77 by Author Kristen Lamb on February 25, 2012 - 8:27 am

      Wow! That is so great to hear. Thanks for taking the time to let me know *hugs*.

  49. #78 by Andrew Climance on February 28, 2012 - 10:05 am

    Hi Kristen,

    Just ‘found’ your website and am very impressed. I’d love to discuss the possibility of giving you some exposure on my own site, and helping a whole bunch of authors in the process!

    Keep up the good work!

  50. #79 by molly field on March 10, 2012 - 5:35 pm

    Kristen – I just bought both your books for my kindle. I have written a blog since january ’11 but i’ve become more active on it in the last month. my blog is all about nothing and a lot about everything. just flexing my writing muscles to wake up that lovely right brain that I’d neglected while serving on the PTA. 😉 just kidding. not. I actually refer to your blog in my recent entry that might sound familiar to you: http://grassoil.blogspot.com/2012/03/true-story-my-mary-tyler-moore-moment.html — anyway, I was told about you by my friend that I refer to in that blog and well, I’m *really* glad you’re out there. Thanks.

  51. #80 by EM Castellan on March 13, 2012 - 1:23 pm

    Dear Kristen,
    I am a would-be-published writer of YA Fantasy novels and I have only recently launched my own blog… At first I only knew about your blog but then I found out about your book “Are you there blog?…” and I bought it… And it’s an amazing source of information. It has been very enlightening about many things, and I have mentioned your book on my blog so other people know how useful it is. I now feel more confident about the blogging process and I want to thank you for this.
    All the best,
    EM Castellan.


  52. #81 by Eric A. Maskell on March 16, 2012 - 8:31 am


    I clicked on your link on twitter kristenlamb.org and it first rerouted me to Macys webpage. The second time it routed me to a search page. Is that the link you were intending?

    Eric A. Maskell

    • #82 by Author Kristen Lamb on March 16, 2012 - 10:15 am

      My page has probably been phished. Thanks for letting me know. I will talk to the web people.

  53. #83 by Suhrith on March 16, 2012 - 9:58 pm

    Dear Kristen–

    I am a journalism student at Columbia University, and I am presently working on a story on introversion and social media. I am essentially looking into whether introverts are more at ease communicating through social media, and whether, in fact, they have a proclivity for being more extroverted on online forums. I have found particularly in the context of sports that introverts who would otherwise watch a game on their own are very active on Twitter and other such forums, and are especially vocal with their views and opinions. I am sure this extends to other spheres too.

    I was wondering if I can speak to you about the subject at a time convenient to you.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you.


  54. #84 by Naomi Baltuck on April 5, 2012 - 11:42 pm

    Hi Kristen, I just wanted you to know that I have nominated you for the Heart on Fire Award.

    • #85 by Author Kristen Lamb on April 6, 2012 - 7:43 am

      Cool! What is the Heart on Fire Award? 😀

  55. #86 by Douglas Wilde on April 15, 2012 - 3:16 am


    I recently finished Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry, and I was so blown away by his ability to craft such larger-than-life characters that I began to entertain the possibility of making the jump from reader to writer. After spending the last four hours reading and pondering various posts on your blog, I find myself overwhelmed. So much goes through my head at such a ridiculous rate that it is difficult for me to find the words for any situation, in writing as well as life. I too loved Midnight In Paris, and found Gertrude Stein’s line “Art is the antidote to the emptiness of existence.” to be exceptionally inspiring. After reading your “Don’t Eat the Butt #4”, I quickly realized that I am a Scrivnus Aspirus Lazytuchus, and not just in terms of writing, but in terms of most creative or self-actualizing aspirations I’ve ever had. It is hilarious, actually, down to the last detail— hard work getting in the way of The Big Bang Theory reruns (lol!). Anyway, at least I am not delusional about it. I am not a writer, but I am a thinker, and I am definitely a dreamer. I would like to be a writer myself. Honestly, I don’t know where to start. It might be too much to say that I’d like to one day be like you, but what the hell, I’m saying it anyway. I would really appreciate your help, Kristen. What should I do?

  56. #87 by wrands on April 18, 2012 - 1:57 pm

    New follower… Thanks Kristen

  57. #88 by rmk104 on April 18, 2012 - 4:00 pm

    I really liked how you tackled managing everything and writing. I work full-time and do my blog on the side. I also have four kids and a family to manage. It is hard to balance it all. I am looking forward to reading more of your posts and maybe the book you recommended as well as your books. Thanks!

  58. #89 by geordiesgirl on April 19, 2012 - 2:28 am

    Hi from across the pond Kristen! Just found your blog and I’ve been captured by your amazing content! I’ve only been blogging for a month and finding my confidence is growing day by day. I’m now researching how to keep my content fresh and maximise traffic. Thanks for all your tips 🙂

  59. #90 by SHERRY E SHOWALTER on April 20, 2012 - 3:10 am

    I have presented you with the Reader’s Appreciation Award for I believe your blog is a very worthy blog of this award. To get the award, please go to my blog here http://drses.wordpress.com/2012/04/20/reader-appreciation-award/ . congratulations. Dr. Sherry

  60. #91 by penpoised on April 21, 2012 - 6:19 am

    I’ve passed on the Versatile Blogger Award to your site. You can check here for the details: http://penpoised.wordpress.com/

  61. #92 by Monica Epstein on April 23, 2012 - 4:00 pm

    Hi, Kristen. I read Are You There Blog? and now I’m halfway through WANA, but I have a question before I proceed with your great advice. You suggest starting a blog at WordPress and buying a domain name at GoDaddy. What about purchasing a domain name directly through WordPress or am I wrong to be hung up about my blog having .wordpress in the url?

    Thanks for all the great advice. I’m looking forward to hearing you speak in July at RWA-WF’s mini-con.

    • #93 by Author Kristen Lamb on April 24, 2012 - 7:18 am

      Either is fine. If you follow what I teach, your site will dominate search engines no matter what way you decide to build it. I have heard that WordPress as a site is very user-friendly. As a blogging platform I definitely prefer WP. Blogger makes me want to throw myself in traffic.

      I am looking forward to it too! Will be great to meet you :D.

  62. #94 by yourstruliejulie on April 25, 2012 - 6:49 pm

    I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award.
    You can read about what you need to do here: http://yourstruliejulie.wordpress.com/2012/04/25/the-versatile-blogger-award/ and get a copy of the Award picture (http://versatilebloggeraward.wordpress.com/blog-button/) to place on your blog.
    Please note, the award is completely optional and you do not have to accept.

  63. #95 by davidmcgowan on May 1, 2012 - 10:30 am

    Ditto! You’ve been nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award!

  64. #96 by PanopticProse on May 1, 2012 - 5:24 pm

    You always give the best writing advice and point us in the direction of some outstanding books to read. If I had to sum you up in just one word it would be: AWESOME! Make no mistake about it, you ROCK. 🙂

    • #97 by Author Kristen Lamb on May 1, 2012 - 6:31 pm

      That is so sweet! THANK YOU! *hugs* I just try to pay it forward. I had really great mentors who guided me and endured all my stupid questions. It’s a real privilege to give that back.

  65. #98 by BC Brown on May 6, 2012 - 11:40 pm


    I’ve just recently come across your blog and I am so happy I have! I’m a self-pubbed indie author with 3 novels under my belt and am still struggling with building a platform. It’s enough to make a gall pull her lovely hair out! Grr. Naturally, I have fans but fan bases should grow between novels, not stagnate, which is what mine has done.

    I will certainly be heading out to pick up your books soon. For right now I’m tiptoeing back through your older blog posts, intent on digging up any nuggets of information that might help me grow as an author. I didn’t realize all this time I was doing it wrong on my blogspot page; I was blogging just about writing and, you know what?, I have noticed I don’t glean very many followers that way. Time to branch out, be more personable (because this is something I am certainly not lacking in daily interactions), and let my hair down, so to speak!

    Thanks again for all the great information. And, I’m curious, I read about all these writer workshops you’ve held in the past. Are you going to do one of those again soon-ish? Would love to get in on one and learn more about blogging and using social media more to my advantage.

    Thanks. All the best and BREAK A PEN!
    BC Brown ~ Paranormal, Mystery, Romance, Fantasy
    “Because weird is good.”

  66. #99 by Imelda Evans on May 19, 2012 - 9:26 pm

    Kristen, I’m sure you have received these things a million times already, but I didn’t see why that should stop me ‘appreciating’ you! I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. If you are interested, the post is here. Thanks for your blog! http://imeldaevans.wordpress.com/2012/05/20/id-like-to-thank-the-academy/

  67. #100 by denisblg on June 1, 2012 - 8:48 am

    Good very Kristen , i like what you do .Recently i start a blog , if someone wanna se it can visit on http://www.denisblg.wordpress.com .thanks .

  68. #101 by Seth on June 22, 2012 - 9:33 pm

    Hi Kirsten, I’ve just recently discovered your blog. I’d like to say thank you for giving your readers and myself so much valuable information.

    I’ve also told others to come visit your blog also.


    • #102 by Author Kristen Lamb on June 23, 2012 - 7:14 am

      Awwwww, thanks! I appreciate it and I am thrilled to make you a peep!

  69. #103 by dreamlifemoments on June 24, 2012 - 11:59 am

    Hi Kristen! I’m paying it forward – I just nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award! Check my latest post for the rules to nominate the blogs you love too! http://dreamlifemoments.wordpress.com/2012/06/24/one-lovely-blog-award/

  70. #104 by Rob Mahan on June 25, 2012 - 1:41 pm

    Hi Kristen!

    As a Kristen Lamb’s Blog fan (sincere flattery) and a self-published author working to spread the word about my first novel (gratuitous self-promotion), I just picked up the Kindle version of “We Are Not Alone”. As a recovering engineer turned reclusive author, I’m about as far away from “outgoing sales type” as one can get on the Myers-Briggs brain dominance continuum! Your book, and posts, will be a much appreciated helping hand.

    As a suggestion / request, would you please consider adding a feature or post to your blog that would consolidate links to the series-style posts you have written? For example, links to your eight serial posts (or is it nine?) on blogging would be a great resource for us all — particularly those of us who are very anal . . . ytical!

    All the best,

    PS: If you think you might be interested in reading An Irish Miracle, I’d love to send you a print or electronic copy!

  71. #105 by HiDee on June 29, 2012 - 8:51 pm

    Hi Kristen! Just finished reading Are You There Blog? It’s Me, Writer. What a great resource! I wish I would have found this book before we launched our new blog, http://www.thewritewaycafe.blogspot.com. We are looking forward to implementing your suggestions and increasing our traffic. Next up, I’m buying We Are Not Alone as soon as I can get my hands on it! Thanks again for sharing your knowledge!

  72. #106 by sandip on July 5, 2012 - 4:52 am

    just found your blog. planning to read your book.

    • #107 by lisatwilton on July 9, 2012 - 10:33 am

      Me too. Just found this blog. I think I commit one of your writing mistakes regularly… The one with elipses… Aargh! I’m doing it again. So, I’ll go find your book and transform my brand new, no followers blog into something special. Inspiration has officially hit me!

  73. #108 by Dawn Dix on July 9, 2012 - 3:30 pm

    Hi Kristen –

    I’m confused as to WHAT to post. I’m halfway through your blog book (the second one), and I’m seeing from some of the comments above that I shouldn’t be posting parts of my book. I’m a suspense writer, and I’ve done a little research, but not a LOT, so what do I blog about? Thanks!

    • #109 by Author Kristen Lamb on July 9, 2012 - 3:56 pm

      “Take my blogging class” is the best way to answer this. My next one will be coming up in August. It will save you a TON of trial and error. Also switch to WordPress as soon as you can. WP is MUCH easier for commenters and also for growing a large following way faster. WP is also easy to upgrade to a fully functioning web site when you get bigger.

      • #110 by Dawn (Dawn's Doorway) on July 9, 2012 - 4:57 pm

        I tried to find info on it on your blog – where do I go and is it online? I’d love details and how I can participate

        • #111 by Author Kristen Lamb on July 9, 2012 - 5:06 pm

          There isn’t info up because we are having a site overhaul, so the August classes won’t be up for a week or two. But you will sign up for classes at WANA International.

  74. #112 by imaginativefaith on July 12, 2012 - 9:12 pm

    Hi! I love the positive and uplifting content of your blog. I’ve learned a lot about writing from you and have had quite a few laughs along the way. I really enjoy reading your posts. I’m passing on the Sunshine Award to you. You have a very busy blog, it seems, so even if you don’t repost the picture and the questions, know you’ve inspired me. Thanks.



  75. #113 by P. C. Zick on July 20, 2012 - 9:47 am

    Good morning – I’ve nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blog Award. Check out my post at http://www.pczick.wordpress.com.

  76. #114 by Sandi Hughes on July 25, 2012 - 10:38 pm

    Hi Kirsten,

    I located your blog by googling “authors blogs”, researching an answer to my question about how best to name my blog – whether to use my name or a clever title, maybe topic oriented. I lean toward branding myself and using my name (a pen name actually), but can’t imagine how to focus my entries to reach really qualified prospects when I write a variety of fiction genres (short stories as well as a trilogy novel now in progress). So I wondered if I need a different blog for every book genre in that case, a suggestion made by other author/Internet marketers.

    Anyway, I ended up buying both your eBooks on Amazon after reading some of your blog entries and comments to readers. I’m excited about jumping into them… but I’m too eager to wait for the answers to my questions. Could you please clue me ahead of time. I promise to finish your books! 😉 Sandi

  77. #115 by joseh on July 31, 2012 - 1:26 pm

    I googled warrior writers and your blog popped up. I was wondering how you are affiliated with veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan who working with the national group, Warrior Writers, who have been around since 2007. If you can fill me, I’d love to get to know you better and make your wordpress gets out there on our blog.

    • #116 by Author Kristen Lamb on July 31, 2012 - 8:06 pm

      I wish! Anything to support the troops. No, actually I began this blog to support NYTBSA Bob Mayer and his Warrior Writers Workshop.

  78. #117 by flo1967 on August 1, 2012 - 5:03 pm

    I’m new to writing and I find your blog invaluable. I have nominated you for a very inspiring blogger award. I’m sure you have been nominated before and know what to do but please visit my blog for details.
    Loving your work!

    • #118 by Author Kristen Lamb on August 1, 2012 - 5:11 pm

      Aww, very sweet of you. I will try. Been traveling and am kind of drinking from a fire hose. 😀

  79. #119 by ReadingAlcove on August 3, 2012 - 9:10 pm

    i am so very glad I found you! I have been researching sites that might be supportive, but I’m afraid a lot of them are about “look at my book” and not so much about giving your writing career substance. I have posted a link to your article “Five-Mistakes Killing Self Published Authors” on my own blog – well on a page devoted to “What I Write”. I have also made sure I am set up to be notified of other gems of wisdom. Right now this minute I am off in search of “Are You There, Blog?”

  80. #120 by Yvonne K on August 6, 2012 - 3:54 pm

    I have become quite intrigued by your energy through Twitter. I read a bit on your blog and felt like I had been given a wake-up call. I especially identified with the story about the teacher and the boy who did not love music enough. I have a lot to learn, especially about creating a platform for my writing. If you don’t mind, I’ll stay tuned, certain that you have a lot to teach.
    All the Best,
    Yvonne K

  81. #121 by abgeneth on August 14, 2012 - 3:27 am

    I really enjoy your blog and I learned a lot, not only about writing 🙂 So I hope you will like the Very Inspiring Blog Award I hereby give you. The how-to is here: http://blindtextchensreise.wordpress.com/2012/08/14/wow-award/

    Thanks for sharing so much know-how with us!

  82. #122 by corkedbottle on August 15, 2012 - 3:04 pm

    Hi Kristen, I’ve been reading a lot of your posts, and I think they’re awesome. I’ve only been writing for a little while, and your advice is very helpful. I really enjoy the atmosphere of your blog, your personality, and your willingness to connect with your readers. It all keeps me coming back for more 🙂 Please continue with the wonderful posts, they help pull me out of my ruts. I’m learning to overcome my self-doubt. I look forward to learning more and writing more 🙂

    P.S. I think you should change the “Just another wordpress.com webblog” to something along the lines of “Realm of the WANA Overlord: Slayer of Spam”. Just an idea 🙂

    • #123 by Author Kristen Lamb on August 15, 2012 - 3:40 pm

      LOL. Love it. Yes, I have a web person working on a new banner. Oh, the list of things to do.

  83. #124 by Tracy Rose on August 20, 2012 - 1:25 pm

    Hi Kristen,

    Healthline is interested in contributing a guest post to your blog. We would be open to contributing any blog that would be of interest to your readers. Healthline bloggers have been featured on a variety of sites including:

    Washington Times: http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/tango-mind-and-emotion/2012/aug/10/how-healthy-choices-easy/
    Natural News: http://www.naturalnews.com/036515_diabetes_strawberries_prevention.html
    Patch.com: http://strongsville.patch.com/blog_posts/where-and-what-to-eat-in-cleveland-to-beat-the-winter-blues

    Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your consideration.

    Warm Regards,

  84. #125 by nomad95 on August 23, 2012 - 3:20 pm

    Hi, Kristen!

    I’m currently reading ‘We Are Not Alone’. I’m working on the steps you outlined, but I’m curious… Do you still recommend using MySpace the way you suggested in the book? I looked at the numbers and noticed there has been a dramatic drop in the traffic on that site in the last two years.

    Stacey Brewer

    • #126 by Author Kristen Lamb on August 23, 2012 - 4:02 pm

      Nope, feel free to ignore MySpace. They committed digital suicide 2 weeks after WANA released. Now you see why I focus on content and people instead of technology ;).

      • #127 by nigeyv on October 2, 2012 - 6:10 pm

        Hi Kristen

        I totally agree with the principle of content over technology having been through the MySpace era. However, as an aside coincidentally I was chatting about social networking with my 16 year old son today and he pointed me in the direction of Google where I typed in MySpace and Timberlake to find some interesting reports that Mr Timberlake is relaunching MySpace. Listening to ‘the kids’ my son tells me that having seen some of the new features and layout that MySpace is likely to come back with a vengeance.
        Your principle above stands strong, but I thought that this might interest you and your readers.
        Keep up the great work

  85. #128 by ReadingAlcove on August 24, 2012 - 9:27 pm

    Hi! In the tradition of social media, I have just nominated you as next in line for the “Inspiring Blog Award” and “One Lovely Blog Award.” As such customs prevail, and should you choose to do so, you can pass this honor on by following these steps.
    1. Link back to the person who nominated you (http://victoriasreadingalcove.wordpress.com/)
    2. Post the award image to your page
    3. Tell seven facts about yourself
    4. Nominate 15 other blogs
    5. Let them know they are nominated
    Here is the post nominating your blog. (http://victoriasreadingalcove.wordpress.com/2012/08/25/people-finding-people-nominated-for-blog-awards/)
    I honestly don’t know if something that amounts to an electronic chain letter is acceptable; however considering how many back-links and thank yous get spread around; well, it seemed worth participating. I also really, really like the person who passed it to me.

  86. #129 by mandyevebarnett on September 29, 2012 - 11:40 pm

    Just to let you know I’ve nominated you for an award – go and pick it up at http://www.mandyevebarnett.com
    Enjoy and pay it forward

  87. #130 by submeg on September 30, 2012 - 10:28 am

    Hi Kristen, I just had to put you in my blog roll because it was too hard to find your posts in my reader! Will be looking forward to going back to all your old posts to grow my skills!

    • #131 by submeg on October 2, 2012 - 5:02 am

      From reading your posts, where are these Warrior Writer workshops held? I’m guessing the US?

      • #132 by Author Kristen Lamb on October 2, 2012 - 6:59 am

        Warrior Writer is actually a workshop held by NYTBSA Bob Mayer (in the US, yes). I started a critique group in honor of Bob that had it’s own curriculum called Warrior Writer Boot Camp, but it no longer exists. I am going to be offering novel training on-line soon, though. You will be able to find that at WANA International.

        • #133 by submeg on October 2, 2012 - 7:07 am

          Excellent, I will be looking out for it. Currently reading The Novel Writer’s Toolkit; very informative. Taking the first steps before putting my pen on the page.

  88. #134 by nigeyv on October 2, 2012 - 6:27 pm

    Hi Kristen

    I was intending to get to the bottom of this page to post a comment but I got distracted at #122 and had to chip in. Anyway, I’m here now. Just to say that I have just found your blog and its about my bedtime (London time) so I will have to return tomorrow for more reading. I love what you do here and the quality of the reader’s comments is extremely high, so great news all round.

    I am particularly interested in the approaches you have to writing and networking so I will be investing for sure. I am a keen wordpress user and have been for some time so even more reason for me to find out more about your methods. I have started to set up a strong web presence for my first Young Adult novel – Out of Sync but I do need some guidance in firing up my social networks. I think that it comes more naturally to some than others. My daughter, for instance, seems to have no difficulty in attracting followers to her baking blog at http://lottiesworldofcakesandbakes.eu so it would be nice if dad could get on board too.

    I am really looking forward to engaging further and reading more

    Thanks again.


    • #135 by Author Kristen Lamb on October 2, 2012 - 6:44 pm

      So great to meet you Nigel, and I hope you will check out WANATribe (the social network I built for writers). I know there is a YA Tribe, so you could connect with fellow YA Authors. Talk to you soon and thrilled to make you part of the clan :D.

  89. #136 by Pete Morin on October 11, 2012 - 7:02 am

    Hello Kristen.

    In light of your excellent advice, I want to make sure you saw this satirical view of book marketing:


    • #137 by Author Kristen Lamb on October 11, 2012 - 8:22 am


      LOVE IT! Thank you for sharing! *hugs*

  90. #138 by goodoldgirl on October 14, 2012 - 3:31 pm

    Just a short note to let you know I’ve nominated your blog for the Booker Award.

  91. #139 by Sonya Loveday on October 18, 2012 - 8:48 am

    Hello 🙂 I’ve nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger award. Follow the link to pick up your award. Thanks! http://sonyaloveday.wordpress.com/2012/10/18/id-like-to-thank-the-academy/

  92. #140 by caitlinstern on October 18, 2012 - 9:10 am

    Hello, I’ve nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. It’s a good way to show your followers blogs you find inspiring, and to have other people’s followers find you. If you don’t have time or want to accept the award, no worries. If you want accept, read this for the award rules:

    Inspiration’s Rewards

    Have a wonderful day! Thanks for teaching us all how to write better!

  93. #141 by The Afictionado on October 19, 2012 - 1:33 am

    Hi there! I’d just like to let you know that, prompted by the commentor above me, I have nominated you on my list of Inspiring Blogs. If you wish to continue this thread of happiness, you can find the enitre business summed up here: http://theafictionado.wordpress.com/2012/10/19/posting-in-the-middle-of-the-week/

  94. #142 by Ashtoreth Eldritch on October 19, 2012 - 11:51 am

    Thank you for all of your inspiring words. Your blog helps to keep me creating and moving forward, even when the creative well seems to be dried up. I would like to share with you the Beautiful Blogger Award in return. Feel free to accept it or not, but in either case, thank you for this beautiful blog.


  95. #143 by Julie Goldberg on October 27, 2012 - 8:04 pm

    Kristen, I’ve nominated your blog for a “One Lovely Blog” award (it’s not exactly an award, but it is nice). Read more about it here: http://perfectwhole.wordpress.com/2012/10/27/one-lovely-blog/
    I appreciate your writing tips and your cheerleading for writers at all levels.

    • #144 by Author Kristen Lamb on October 29, 2012 - 9:33 am

      Thanks, Julie!

  96. #145 by Denise Hisey on November 23, 2012 - 3:02 pm

    Hi Kristen,
    What a lovely blog you have! I’m looking forward to reading more of what you have to say about FB, Pinterest, etc. I’m new to social media and have much to learn!

  97. #146 by Theresa Hupp on November 28, 2012 - 9:11 am


    I have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award on my blog, Story & History, http://mthupp.wordpress.com. Your blog has enriched my writing and my life, and I wanted you to know how important your posts are to me.

    I hope you will pass along the award to other bloggers, as outlined in my November 28 post, http://mthupp.wordpress.com/2012/11/28/nominated-for-one-lovely-blog-award/ .

    Thank you.

    Theresa Hupp

  98. #147 by Brian Grove on December 11, 2012 - 8:04 am

    Hi Kristen,

    Just found your blog via writeitsideways who linked to me. Excellent!

    • #148 by Author Kristen Lamb on December 11, 2012 - 8:56 am

      Thanks, Brian! Thrilled to have u here 😀

  99. #149 by Brian Grove on December 28, 2012 - 8:28 am

    Dear Kristen,

    Just discovered your website and I’m impressed. Perhaps if you have time you could check out my website and help new authors in the process.

    Keep up the good work


  100. #150 by solojon on January 3, 2013 - 11:05 am

    Hi Kristen,
    I have been following you ever since the Star Wars prequels post, and was hoping you might answer a question… I’m fairly new to the writing process and I find myself starting something, then reading it partway through and re-writing it over and over. I feel like I should resist the temptation to do so, at least until I have a first draft, or a few chapters. Any tips you might want to share on that point? I know there are a lot of books on the subject, but I’ve found your advice so concise, I’m wondering what your experiences might have been when starting out?
    Thanks and love the blog.

  101. #153 by Daniel Escurel Occeno on January 5, 2013 - 9:33 pm

    Hi Kristen; I checked the Ozarks Writers League (OWL) website. Sorry I missed you speaking at the August conference. I periodically check what my writing friends at the Ozarks are doing since I used to be a member of OWL and the entire writer’s groups at Springfield, Missouri before I moved back to my birth country of the Philippines on December 2, 2004.

    I have not sold a novel for money, but I have written five complete novels, which can be read on the Internet. My friends at the Ozarks helped me get started and they inspired me to believe that I could complete a novel.

    VIA E-mail correspondence, I am currently involved with the JANO Writers 50K challenge for the month of January so I decided to read your writing knowledge on your blog. Thank you for sharing. I know that less can be more, but since I involved myself with writing challenges such as NaNoWriMo and JANO Writers the need to add words became important so the question of too much adverbs or need more modifiers caught my attention.

    After all it is writing the 50K in 30 or 31 days, which is the primary goal, to prove one can write a novel with a deadline

  102. #154 by Deb Lund on January 8, 2013 - 2:21 pm

    Thanks for the the kick in the pants. I’m smiling now, and going back to my current revision. Oh, and then I’ll be heading to the gym…

  103. #155 by hillbillyzen13 on January 18, 2013 - 2:12 pm

    I had to smile as I read all your nominations because I have nominated you for The Liebster Blog Award. I did so because I’ve found your writing tips to be extremely helpful, and your honesty is refreshing (even if it does make me cringe sometimes). Hopefully those who read my blog will find yours to be an invaluable resource, as I have. Here’s the link :http://wp.me/p1XDRR-aD.

  104. #156 by punkrgrl on January 21, 2013 - 8:16 pm

    Just another adoring fan nominating you for a Versatile Blogger Award: http://squirrelandpear.com/kindness-repaid/. Your tips are very useful. Thanks!

  105. #157 by Thea Sullivan on January 30, 2013 - 4:56 pm

    Hi Kristen,
    I just wanted to say thank you. I’m a longtime writer finally setting up a blog–one of those reclusive people just warming up to social media–and I bought your e-books today. Really helpful, and funny to boot. BTW, just thought you’d like to know how I found you. I have a friend who has the same name (different married name) and she is often confused for you online. She told me about your work, which happened to be exactly what I needed right now. So, thanks. A lot.

  106. #158 by Suchi on February 13, 2013 - 11:56 am

    Hi Kristen,

    Quick question. What is the best Amazon program to list an author’s hardcover book.

    The book was printed by a traditional printer, not POD or createspace and author would like to list

    book on Amazon. I have heard Advantage is not a good program. Any suggestions?

    Thanks Kristen,

    • #159 by Author Kristen Lamb on February 13, 2013 - 11:58 am

      Not my area of expertise. That’s why I am holding the conference. I can’t know everything but I can recruit enough talent and maybe together we will have all or at least most of the answers. Sorry :(.

  107. #160 by AH on February 17, 2013 - 3:14 am

    I was wondering is there a possibility to submit a guest post on your blog? Do u have a submissions guideline? Email me at g00016138@gmail.com or reply to this comment.

    I love your blog!

    • #161 by ivytobin on February 24, 2013 - 10:33 am

      Hi Kristen,

      I’m new to WP. Please check out my WP blog site ‘The Society for Recovering Doormats.’ I have a FB page (by the same name) as well with several followers. Both are platforms for my soon- to- be published novel: ‘The Society for Recovering Doormats.’ (As soon as I find the right publisher that is.) Hope you’ll visit and tell me what ya think. Thanks so much. Rose aka Ivy Tobin

  108. #162 by thebookybunhead on February 24, 2013 - 4:35 pm

    So glad I found your blog. Thanks for being so generous to all us bloggers and I can’t wait to read more of your work! (That is a beautiful photo of you by the way.) Cheers!

  109. #164 by jegfitness on March 9, 2013 - 3:06 pm

    Hello. I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Just thought you might like to know. You can find the entry I made here: http://wp.me/p2BsD9-5X. You are very insightful and have an amazing skill in expressing yourself through words. Thanks for what you do.

  110. #166 by mommyeverything1 on March 11, 2013 - 9:20 am

    Hi Kristen – nice to “meet” you. I just found your blog and it did the impossible today – made me smile (I am still feeling the aftermath of daylight savings time). I am a semi-novice blogger (1 year and 1 month in) and would appreciate any tips on expanding my readership (which is small but it’s quality not quantity right??). Anyway, I have babbled enough sans caffeine. Look forward to reading your blogs and Happy Monday!!

  111. #167 by authorleannedyck on March 11, 2013 - 3:42 pm

    Hi Kristen,
    I’ve nominated your blog for the Liebster Award. For details, please visit http://sweatercursed.blogspot.com

  112. #168 by Alison Gillespie on March 18, 2013 - 8:04 am

    where can I get info about your book? I see people here going on about how much it helped them, but I cannot locate a link to it, nor any info about it…

    • #169 by Author Kristen Lamb on March 18, 2013 - 9:48 am

      The names are at the bottom of each post. For some reason the hyperlinks are gone. I am a terrible salesperson, so I am going to tell you this. Wait for my new one. It will be out (ideally) at the beginning of May. It’s called Rise of the Machines–Human Authors in a Digital World.

  113. #170 by Carolyn Paul Branch on March 20, 2013 - 10:21 am

    Thank you! Your “enemies of the art” series, especially the post about being a finisher, changed my life! I sent a link to that article to my critique group and asked everyone to tell me which of my many projects I should commit to finish. All of them voted for the novel they call the Rose & Jim story, saying it was my best work. I started the story seven years ago and have changed the title and the beginning over and over again. Part of it was in third person, more than half was in first. Part of it emphasized one plot, other parts concentrated on another. Some of the flashbacks took Rose back to preschool!
    Yesterday I typed THE END on that seven year project.It feels sooo good. Thank you! You have a fan for life.

  114. #172 by hakimtyree on March 21, 2013 - 12:29 am

    Best recommended blog so far. “WOW” – *hits the follow button*. New to the blogging community. Not much content on my page yet, but I was hoping you could drop by and leave some feedback. Again love, love, love your page. Thank you

  115. #173 by Anya Hobbs on March 27, 2013 - 11:26 am

    Hi Kristen 🙂

    I have just stumbled across your blog and i really love it! I am studying creative writing at university and really want to start a blog to encourage myself to be productive and to better my writing skills. My problem is I have no idea what to write about. Please could you give some ideas 🙂

    • #174 by Author Kristen Lamb on March 27, 2013 - 12:18 pm

      I have a new book coming out soon. “Rise of the Machines–Human Authors in a Digital World” and there is an entire section that trains you how to blog, what to blog about and how to connect and cultivate future READERS. So stay posted ;). Really thrilled ur here and so wonderful to meet you!

  116. #175 by Jasmine Platt on March 31, 2013 - 8:39 pm

    Hi Kirstin. Thank you for your awesome blog! I just found you when looking up ‘happiness’ blogs, and, as a new blogger, and also in the process of writing my first book, it is exciting to come upon people with ‘real world advice’ on the trials and tribulations, and how to get past them. Looking around at the gloss and glamour of those that have already made it makes me all the more determined to make my journey ‘real’, with all its challenges along the way. Thank you for your light and leadership. Warmest blessings, Jasmine x

  117. #176 by Matthew Curry on April 3, 2013 - 12:21 pm

    This is fascinating! I’m glad I found your blog!

  118. #179 by Jamie Soule on April 8, 2013 - 11:54 pm

    Kristen, I love your blog! You have some great advice for writing, and I frequently share your posts with my online writing classmates. Would you be interested in talking with me about publishing, specifically traditional vs. online and self-publishing? Since I heard a conversation on the radio with an online publishing company CEO guest, I have been very interested in the future of publishing. So, I’m wondering if you could offer any of your own opinions about this matter along with your experiences. Your comments will be featured in a post for my blog.

    • #180 by Author Kristen Lamb on April 9, 2013 - 8:09 am

      I’d love to Jamie, but I don’t know if I am enough of an expert. There are areas where I am growing as well. My new book will be self-published and I am a fumbling neophyte again. I could try and am always happy to help. Just not sure I know enough to be the best choice :D.

  119. #181 by Daniel Escurel Occeno on April 9, 2013 - 5:05 pm

    I am not a published and paid novelist. I would like to offer my comment. The digital age will continue to be a tool for those willing to succeed. Because of this natural necessity today the best publishing houses in the world will more likely allow the unknown more opportunities simply because the Internet can make anyone more famous than the American president.

    It is an individual decision to self-publish. The digital age is making it even more possible. If you did not know, there are publishing houses encouraging self-publishing because it is like a proving ground for unknown new writers and those capable of impressing the traditional way will be more known than just a submission.

    Self-publishing novels is similar to submitting with magazines for publishing to get a novel contract.

    The best houses will want your next ten novels not written.

  120. #182 by josephrathjen on April 13, 2013 - 1:56 pm

    Hi, Kristen. I was glad to come across your blog – just what I was looking for! Now that I’m getting ready to retire (in 2 years) I decided it was time to set up my own freelance writer’s blog. I’ve had 3 books published in the past (one by McGraw-Hill) and currently write an opinionated column for a new social media site. I’m a newbie blogger (using WordPress for now) and hoping to learn from a pro. I definitely will buy your book and keep following you!

    Have a great day!
    Joseph Rathjen (josephrathjen.wordpress.com)

    • #183 by Author Kristen Lamb on April 13, 2013 - 7:05 pm

      Great to meet you Joseph! I will have a new book out soon that I think will be very helpful to you and wish you tons of blessings on this new journey. I hope I can help!

  121. #184 by chinks on April 15, 2013 - 4:09 am

    Hi kristen! I have been a silent reader of your blog for quite sometime. And I take you and your blog like a mentor to me. I love how cleanly you explain each topic you cover. I have a question in mind. I am a newbie blogger. I want to create a facebook page to promote my blog(generally write poems or short stories in it) Should the page have the same name as my blog. My current personal FB account and my blog URL have common name in it. Should I change it?
    Awaiting you reply:)

    • #185 by Author Kristen Lamb on April 15, 2013 - 7:30 am

      EVERYTHING needs YOUR NAME, the name printed on your books. Blog, Twitter, Facebook. YOU are the brand. Wait on the fan page. Use the profile page as long as possible.

  122. #186 by chinks on April 15, 2013 - 1:16 pm

    For example my blog’s name is chinks’ lounge. My facebook personal account name is chinks Pateliya. So you suggest me to change both of them to my realname? Is it ok to publicise my blog in my personal fb acc? It contains my bday and photos. I know being so ignorant can be annoying but it would really help a lot. Thanks for replying:)

  123. #187 by findingmyinnercourage on April 20, 2013 - 10:44 pm

    Hi Warrior Writers ~

    I have nominated you for the SUNSHINE AWARD for so many reasons! Your blog is awesome!

    To accept the award follow the rules at: http://findingmyinnercourage.wordpress.com/2013/04/20/sunshine-award/

    Peace, Love & Happiness!

  124. #188 by Anthony on April 27, 2013 - 3:43 pm

    Well for starters you guys remember to include the title of your book when posting on this blog or any other blog for that matter. Kristen, Do you allow authors to do that?

    • #189 by Author Kristen Lamb on April 27, 2013 - 7:05 pm

      If you have a Gravatar, we see your site. Advertising in the comments can be considered gauche.

  125. #190 by luluandthemoon on May 13, 2013 - 8:07 pm

    Hi Kristen. I am a Canadian who is about to retire in Progreso, Mexico where I hope to find the time and inspiration to write. I am just enjoying your blog so very much and have therefore awarded you the Most Inspiring Blogger Award. Check out my latest post here http://luluandthemoon.wordpress.com to learn more about your award.

  126. #191 by Eva van Beek on May 22, 2013 - 8:17 am

    Hi Kirsten, thanks for all the ideas, it gave me a boost. I have finished 2 novels, published one (selfpublishing) but in German (http://evavanbeek.com/). I write poetry in English though. I do not need to be in your hat, I jjust wanted to let you know, that your post gave me the kick I needed to finally start working on that 3rd novel. So thanks!

  127. #192 by literarylawyer on May 22, 2013 - 10:32 pm

    Hi Kristen, I just found your blog a few minutes ago and I see what I’ve been missing. I’m a new blogger and I’m working on my debut novel – a crime fiction. I blog about off the beaten path crime stories – though nothing directly related to my novel. I don’t know if this is the right direction but any thoughts you can offer will be treasured. Also, in reading a comment posted here, the reader spoke about publishers expecting writers to promote their own books. This I’ve heard before, yet it raises another question – in building a platform what defines a “successful” blog? How is the success of a blog actually measured?

  128. #193 by thexenophilediaries on May 23, 2013 - 3:21 pm

    Hi Mrs. Lamb,why did you leave your life of international sales for the work you do now?

    • #194 by Author Kristen Lamb on May 23, 2013 - 4:23 pm

      Because I sucked at sales, LOL. I was a creative personality and the stress literally made me have to stop and throw up on the way to work. Eventually the stress got so bad it affected my health to the point I was misdiagnosed with epilepsy, thus ending my sales career (I drove a 9 state territory and Northern Mexico). When everything was stripped away and I had nothing left to lose? Writing was what I’d always wanted to do.

      • #195 by thexenophilediaries on May 23, 2013 - 4:26 pm

        Wow, I never want a job to make me that stressed out. Did you take the sales job because it was what was expected out of you? I’m glad you found something that keeps you sane.

        • #196 by Author Kristen Lamb on May 23, 2013 - 4:33 pm

          Yes, made my family happy that I was so “successful.” Writing wasn’t a “real job.” Had a lot of push-back when I decided to become a writer, but now they are my biggest fans and I love what I do. Yeah, sales was a NIGHTMARE for me. I was good with people, but there was a lot of corporate politics I was terrible at navigating. Sharks.

  129. #197 by nattietee on June 6, 2013 - 3:26 am

    Congratulations! I have given you the Versatile Blogger award. http://wp.me/P3ltD2-dY. Thanks for writing and awesome blog. xx For more info… http://versatilebloggeraward.wordpress.com/

  130. #198 by Steve Strother on June 10, 2013 - 9:05 am

    Hello Kristen! I am glad I found you at WordPress. It looks like your background prior to writing is similar to mine. I have been in sales for 15 years now but my true loves are personal development, spiritual development, peace, and writing. I have a blog and someday would love make writing a career, or at least part of a career. I look forward to following your blog and learning from you! ~ Steve Strother

  131. #200 by Honey Hutson on June 16, 2013 - 6:56 pm

    As a huge fan can I beg you to cover a subject in your blog? As one of the few people that many seem to listen to? I freelance for several publishers and while putting together documents for anthologies I am finding that not ONE writer follows Formatting (or rather what NOT to do) instructions. And it drives your publishers crazy, to the point they may even not bother with the piece. I am seeing all sorts of wild stuff, from folks who don’t know how to use headers/footers (so they just put it in the document itself, which we then have to pick back out while building the final document, to folks who add weird things, like lines at the bottom of a page that are maddening to get back out! Keep it simple, follow the guidelines, uniqueness has it’s place, but it’s not in submissions formatting!! That’s like submitting a manuscript on neon pink paper two days after your deadline!

  132. #201 by allanross10 on June 17, 2013 - 5:34 pm

    Hi I just started writing my blog and I would like some help to make it better. Are you able to assist me ?

    • #202 by Author Kristen Lamb on June 17, 2013 - 5:39 pm

      I have books that teach how to blog and often offer classes.

      • #203 by allanross10 on June 18, 2013 - 4:06 pm

        Thanks. I’m in Toronto, please recommend the best blog book you have written.

  133. #204 by Vashti Quiroz-Vega on June 26, 2013 - 1:38 pm

    Hello Kristen! I have presented you with an award. Please take a look. http://vashtiqvega.wordpress.com/2013/06/26/very-inspiring-blogger-award/

  134. #205 by Simple Northern Life on June 26, 2013 - 5:45 pm

    You have such a great sense of humor, I love your format and style. I am so delighted that I’ve stumbled upon your blog and look forward to following. My gratitude is yours, Allie.

  135. #206 by Yasmeen sana on July 3, 2013 - 10:31 am

    Hi,nice to have your blog and i also need your help dude:)

  136. #207 by Joe Owens on July 18, 2013 - 12:10 pm

    Hi Kristen. I wanted to ask if you know about Papre.li and if so what is your opinion? I have created a daily paper that snatches RSS feeds from some of my favorite bloggers to aggregate them into one spot. I want to find a way to help drive readers to these blogs.

  137. #208 by esmaeelakther on July 21, 2013 - 7:37 am

    Hey Kirsten, I recently started blogging on psychology and human behavior. Now, my question is whether I will be able to change the subject I blog about? Awaiting your reply. Thank you!

    • #209 by Author Kristen Lamb on July 21, 2013 - 7:55 am

      Yes, our heads will not explode if you change the subject. We are sharp like that ;).

  138. #210 by Tom Akkala on August 1, 2013 - 5:17 pm

    Hi Kristen, I just read your two most recent posts about the Finding Nemo story and your post about Jami Gold. I have also read a number of your posts in the past and I have loved them all.

    I just launched a true story website with a Hollywood producer that is all about people outside of the movie industry telling their true stories to the world. Having read your blog before and the fact that it is all about writing made me wonder if you would be interested in having a conversation about possibly collaborating a little bit sometime?

    If you’re interested you can check out the website at mytruestory.com.

    Keep up the great posts, they are incredibly helpful!

  139. #211 by awax1217 on August 3, 2013 - 2:32 pm

    I am intrigued with your work. I need to know is my blog worth continuing or should I set it on the mantle place of ennui. Need some guidance, so if you would be so kind, council with me.

  140. #212 by Heather Heyford on August 22, 2013 - 9:37 am

    In your latest book you stated that an author website is superior to a blog. Can you clarify that? I have a wordpress.com blog, and I’ve purchased a domain in my name. Do I really need to build a website now? If so, is it primarily to sell books?

    It may help you to know where I’m at in my career. A respected print and e-publisher of romance has requested a full after reading a partial, for the first of a 3-book series. They’ve only had it for a week, and already my fingernails are gone.

    • #213 by Author Kristen Lamb on August 22, 2013 - 10:34 am

      Blog FROM your website. Make the blog the landing page, with books for sale along the side. The blog is an organic way to bring people to your website where you have books for sale! You OWN your website, so you own your blog content. If Blogger or WordPress evaporates, so does your content. Also, if you use a free version of either of these you can’t add a shopping cart (against the rules). If this is on your website, it’s yours unless you don’t pay your web host or the Internet goes down.

  141. #214 by Heather Heyford on August 22, 2013 - 1:11 pm

    Thanks! Glad I read your book, Rise of the Machines before I traveled too far down the wrong roads. You’ve set me straight.

  142. #215 by S. Thomas Summers on August 25, 2013 - 7:28 pm

    Howdy, Kristen…

    I’m not an unpublished-green-pea. I’m a published-green-pea (two books). Help!!!!



  143. #216 by korimiller on August 28, 2013 - 9:32 am

    Hi, Kristen.
    When will more detailed information about WANACon be available? The early bird discount is quickly approaching, and I need to decided if I want to purchase the entire thing or just partial. I didn’t attend last year and have no idea what to expect.

    Thank you!

    • #217 by Author Kristen Lamb on August 28, 2013 - 9:41 am

      Kori, the partial will only be $20 less, so I’d recommend just doing the $119. You get PajamaCon the evening of the 3rd with me, then two full days of the best of the best AND recordings for anything you miss or need to hear again. We will be posting the schedule soon, but for $20 difference? I’d just do the Early Bird. You can go to the site and see the list of confirmed speakers. We just need to hash out details.

  144. #218 by Sue on September 9, 2013 - 10:06 pm

    Hi Kristen,
    I started following you about 6 months ago via word of mouth from another blogger. You have been very inspirational and informative. Thank you for sharing your insight and knowledge, and especially for your encouragement. I have so much to learn but glad to finally be committed. If I am ever famous enough where the media cares what I say, I will be endorsing you all the way. Meanwhile, it will just be my little old circle of friends, few of whom write. Hopefully that will change too!

    • #219 by Author Kristen Lamb on September 10, 2013 - 7:31 am

      Thanks, Sue. Happy to help you…changing the world one writer at a time :D.

  145. #220 by lisenminetti on September 11, 2013 - 4:18 pm

    I’m going to add to the 200+ comments here already (by the way I love that you take the time to respond to many). I just stumbled on your site today and I feel like its yet another example of finding what I need when I needed it. I noticed last week that my blog traffic was up nearly 300% this past week and was wondering why that was … then I came here and realized it was because how I was writing changed – rather than writing about the writing process, I was writing about the tools I used and how they helped (or not), along with adding a lot more links to useful sites. As a hopefully soon-to-be first time author I realize the value of networking. Unfortunately, now I feel like I want to re-vamp my whole blog! I look forward to grabbing your book and keeping up with some of the great advice I’ve seen on here.

    • #221 by Author Kristen Lamb on September 11, 2013 - 7:13 pm

      So happy you are here! We have a great community and a lot of fun. Thrilled for your newfound success and hope I can help you grow it further *HUGS*.

  146. #222 by lauraeflores on September 22, 2013 - 8:07 am

    I feel like I just found an oasis in the desert of blogging. Thank you for that! As a blogger taking her first steps and hopefully soon to be author, I sure need every single drop of information I can get from a knowledgeable blogger and author such as yourself.

  147. #223 by Daniel Waltz on October 20, 2013 - 4:21 pm

    Hi Kristen Lamb,

    I am a current student at Michigan State University seeking to interview a literary agent. I desire to learn more about the practice and would like to conduct a short interview via blogging in order to gain information. I’ve been doing research on literary agents and want to gain more understanding on an agent’s ability to communicate with publishing houses. I understand you have a demanding schedule so if you’re unable to, would you be able to refer me to another agent in order to conduct the interview. I have put the questions below I would like to ask in order to allow the interview to take place as quickly as possible.

    What does one have to do in order to earn the title of literary agent?
    How do you classify a book as good?
    What is the best way to build your credibility?
    What struggles did you have in trying to get to where you are now?
    How much do you think about your work outside of your nine to five?

    Thank you so much if you have taken the time to read this!


    • #224 by Author Kristen Lamb on October 20, 2013 - 6:34 pm

      Great questions, but I am not a literary agent. I just impersonate one in bars :D.

  148. #225 by piblogger on October 22, 2013 - 2:47 pm

    WordPress suggested that I might like your blog . . . from what I see they were on the mark. Looking forward to following your posts Kristen.

  149. #228 by Kylie Betzner on November 5, 2013 - 5:31 pm

    Kristen, I have been following your blog and just wanted to say I think your blog is inspiring to other bloggers, especially writers, so I’ve nominated you for the Sunshine Award!

    You can check out the details on my blog: http://thewriterscrampblog.wordpress.com/

    I promise I’m not trying to spam you or increase traffic flow to my own blog; I just do not have the original link. I was asked to nominate other bloggers and thought of yours. Thanks for all of your advice.

  150. #229 by Dormaine G on December 3, 2013 - 2:25 am

    Hello Kristen nice to meet and follow you. I am a new author and blogger so thank goodness for people like you who like to give back.

  151. #230 by kelseylynhoff on December 8, 2013 - 6:10 pm

    Your blog has been selected by me for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award. Even if you prefer not to accept this award, please accept this as a compliment and an indication of appreciation for your creative work. The philosophy of the award is: “The Dragon’s Loyalty Award is an award for the loyal fan/commenter, whether the recipient is a fellow blogger or just someone who follows and comments regularly.” Congratulations!

  152. #231 by Sherryl Clark on December 12, 2013 - 9:46 pm

    Hi Kristen, I’ve just finished reading “Rise of the Machines” and you have some great advice and guidance in there. However, most of it relates to those who write for adults.
    I write mainly for children (some YA) and I feel like I am stuck between two alternatives – reaching kid readers, and then also somehow reaching teachers and librarians (the gatekeepers who buy a lot of books).
    If you ever decide to blog about this and how to approach it, I’d be grateful! Or even have a couple of guest bloggers tackle what to do about it (or more accurately, how to be effective).

    • #232 by Author Kristen Lamb on December 12, 2013 - 10:10 pm

      A lot of adults read YA, so just be yourself. Kids precocious enough to like reading like being treated as adults. So just be YOU.

  153. #233 by Glynis Jolly on February 15, 2014 - 1:03 pm

    Hi Kristen
    I actually wanted to email you because I thought a completely private exchange would be better. I understand why you may not want to give out your email address though.

    I am an ‘unpublished’ writer working on my first project. For the first time, I feel unquestionably serious about it. I’ve gotten a writing buddy over the Internet, which has made me feel more accountable. Because of physical limitations and financial struggles, attending a conference is out. I’m not fond of Facebook these days so I’m hesitant about joining your group there. However, the WANATribe looks interesting and promising to me. I do want to look at it a little more closely before signing up though. I know zero about publishing and formatting my work to send to anyone. What posts do you recommend on your blog for me to concentrate on?

    If you would rather email me with your reply, my email address is glynis.jolly@outlook.com.

    • #234 by Author Kristen Lamb on February 16, 2014 - 9:22 am

      Well, I built WANATribe. We are ruthless with spams and bots. They creep in time to time but don’t last long. I pay of it out of my own pocked. No ads and over 2100 writers. But, I’d recommend posts on structure, the antagonist (or BBT). For social media, but part with a few books and get the new book, Rise of the Machines. Will save you A LOT of time, pain and money.

  154. #235 by Richard C. Conrath on March 26, 2014 - 5:21 pm

    Thanks, Kristen. Your advice about publishing before you’re ready is a great one! James Hall in a workshop alarmed me when he says we all need to put in an internship of 10 years before we are ready. I’m beginning to think that timeline’s about right. I get restless with the traditional publishing process but keep telling myself that I’m still learning. Need to relax and write. I’m on book three–still unpublished though my agent is trying–and still learning!

  155. #236 by Hilda on April 8, 2014 - 6:36 pm

    Can I have your advice and opinion please?

    I sent this to my friends online and received negative feedback,

    “Hello, my #Eur2015 Family! ❤️😊

    I need your advice and opinions. First let me explain. I don’t know if you remember, but I self-published a book in 2012, and am currently working on my second book. For a few years now, I’ve been TRYING to spread a reputation that I am a mysterious author (an anonymous author.) An author that no one knows how I look like and sound.

    But I notice my book sale has been so low. I haven’t sold a book since January 2014. I only gained about $27.00 which is hardly anything.

    So, it occurred to me today and told my mother about this. I love watching Beauty gurus on YouTube for months and all of a sudden today, I thought, why don’t I do the same so i can get paid to help my family AND gain exposure to hopefully sell my books. There are more pros than cons but the con is a huge deal to my mom and me: which is what if I get negative comments or made fun at? I know it is inevitable but to be honest I probably would be hurt, depending on the comment. I’ve seen other Youtubers receive such negative comments and I know it will happen to me too if i agree to do this.

    What should I do? Should I go for it or not? If I do, people will see my face. And what if i get hurt by a negative comment? That is what mainly concerns my mom and I.

    Hilda 😕”

    One friend told me to join discussions on other authors’ blogs. I tried that too but two particular authors weren’t any help. They were too competitive and refused to help me. I have a blog for years now and just self-published a book in 2012, but I lack more audience and book sales. I even did giveaways on my blog but my “audience” is almost nonexistent.

    What should I do?

    Sincerely, Hilda

    My Official Blog:

    • #237 by Author Kristen Lamb on April 8, 2014 - 8:35 pm

      My advice is write for the love of writing and not the money. The rest will follow. More works=more confidence=more experience=better books=more sales.

  156. #238 by Hilda :) on April 8, 2014 - 9:47 pm

    Kristen, thank you so much! I’ll do just that! 😊❤️

  157. #239 by triciatallen on April 17, 2014 - 10:39 am

    Thanks Kristen for a great blog! I’ve just discovered it today based on a recommendation from WordPress — apparently people whose posts I’ve liked also like your blog. I haven’t been able to really sink my teeth into your blog yet but I’m loving it so far. Keep up the good work 🙂

  158. #240 by thesilverofhisfining on April 19, 2014 - 5:48 pm

    Judging by the number of comments on your About page, this blog is where it’s at! I came at the recommendation of Anne R. Allen. Apparently I am headed in the right direction, working on figuring out a platform whilst beginning to write. It is rather a jungle out here at times.

    I like how open you are, Kristen, and helpful to those of us who need it. I’ve followed here and on twitter so as not to miss future help. Thank you so much for what you do! ~Joyce

  159. #242 by Suzanne Robertson on May 2, 2014 - 1:01 pm

    Hi Kristin… I’ve only been blogging four months but I really love it. I’m starting to get a few comments and that has been fun. It was a little difficult to find my focus at first and my blog is headed in a different direction than when I began. I decided to write what I wanted say instead of trying to figure out what an invisible audience was interested in. That helped me a lot. Some time I hit the mark and sometimes I don’t. I’m doing it because I like having a voice and not for money. That also helped me to keep going. I would love it if you would take a look. Thank you in advance.
    This is my post with the most hits… http://www.chapter-two.net/2014/04/solitutde-i-have-never-found-companion.html

  160. #244 by Anonymous on May 19, 2014 - 12:27 pm

    I thought I was at least halfway Google-savvy until I couldn’t find any new copies or pdf ebook formatted copies of your “We Are Not Alone: The Writer’s Guide to Social Media” book. Is it available online anywhere?

    • #245 by Author Kristen Lamb on May 19, 2014 - 12:31 pm

      The new book has all you need, including the WANA 2.0 plan.

      • #246 by Rachel Burkum on May 19, 2014 - 3:16 pm

        (umpteenth attempt at replying…I sure hope only 1 shows up here!)

        Do you have a direct link where the book can be purchased online?

      • #247 by Rachel Burkum on May 19, 2014 - 3:28 pm

        Never mind! So sorry. Found it. There are days I think I shouldn’t be working on a computer… 🙂

  161. #248 by Georgina Cromarty on June 12, 2014 - 6:22 am

    Hi Kristen, I would like to nominate you for The Versatile Blogger Award. May not your first nomination, but I enjoy your blog so happy to add it again 🙂
    As a new writer I follow your blog avidly! So many great tips and insights, love it!
    See link below

  162. #249 by Tempest Rose on June 26, 2014 - 5:09 pm

    I’m sure this is no big deal for you, and you’ve probably already received it, but I love your posts so I’ve awarded you the “Most Influential Blogger” Award! Check it out here: http://nonsenseshenanigans.com/2014/06/26/most-influential-blogger-award/

  163. #251 by mileslwarren on July 6, 2014 - 11:43 pm

    Thank goodness I found you! I shall follow you henceforth! As I close in on the completion of my 1st novel (with three others in the works) you have answered so many of the questions I’ve had about rushing my book to the market. “Should I follow the traditional route and submit my manuscript? Or should I try self-publishing?” I feel there was so much I still need to learn about the “art” of writing, not just writing, before I put my work out there. I don’t want to put something out there because it’s easy to do. I want to produce quality. My best friend of 20 years often chided me about taking so long with the book. It was he who dared me to write one. Sadly, he passed away suddenly on Christmas morning, 2012 and never got to realize our publishing dream. I adopted his dog and once I completed my grieving, I dove back into the book. Now as I come to the end of the story, I’m wondering which way to go. I’ve been told my writing is good, but of course, I haven’t put it front of someone who reviews manuscripts for a living. Can a successful self-publishing venture attract agents? I know it takes a lot of work to market yourself and develop a “brand”. I don’t know what the next step is, but I know I will continue writing to develop my craft.

  164. #252 by Rachael on July 7, 2014 - 5:55 pm

    You have been nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Please check the link for the details of the award and the badge/image you may use for your site. Just know that for those people you choose you may either pass on the same image or create one of your own.

    (ps, you are by no mean’s required to participate, but I thank you for your posts! I appreciate you!)

  165. #253 by Catherine Hamrick on July 29, 2014 - 6:56 am

    Your site reinforces my belief that there are sharp, well-executed blogs out there. Thanks for the treat. I’ll be back!

  166. #254 by No longer want to be anonymous author on August 3, 2014 - 3:55 pm

    Hi Kristen. Need your social savvy. After using a pen name to indie-publish my first novel, it’s doing great. Now that I’m looking down the barrel of developing ‘platform’, I’ve come to realize that pen names are an anachronism better left to literary history. Everything in your pen name post is true! Wish I had read it earlier…

    So now what? How do I STOP using a pen name now that 12k wonderful readers have downloaded my book and associate my writing with the pen name?

    Can you share your thoughts on an honorable way to step into the light with my real name without losing the caché I’ve built with the book itself?

    No longer want to be anonymous author

    • #255 by Author Kristen Lamb on August 4, 2014 - 8:05 am

      Just change it. If you have a pen name on a web site, put the two together for a time. Horror Author Penelope Fluffernutter, AKA Kristen Lamb. Eventually you can transition the other out. On Facebook and Twitter most people won’t notice if you don’t change your pic. On books, just put both names then phase out the pen name eventually.

  167. #256 by tommyshaw on August 6, 2014 - 10:29 pm

    Hi Kristen, this is a really interesting site. I look forward to reading more 🙂

  168. #257 by Anjum on August 21, 2014 - 1:54 am

    Wow! I had no idea that I was typing to an author! Awesome!

    [(Wondering to myself) Why am I meeting authors lately? Like in the entire universe I am meeting only accomplished writers. What’s your plan God?]

  169. #258 by TvKapherr, CatsattheBar & BackHomeinBromont on August 24, 2014 - 8:06 am

    Wonderful to find you. I look forward reading more of your work. I have a humor blog that I am now trying to learn how to take it to the next level. Publishing!

  170. #259 by mreedmccall on September 7, 2014 - 2:51 pm

    Hi Kristen…Just a quick note to let you know that I was nominated for a blog award for my (very new) website/blog and in turn decided to nominate *your* blog, since you have so much wonderful and engaging information here; If you’re so inclined, you can see the award at this link: http://mreedmccall.com/2014/09/06/one-lovely-blog-award/ , though feel free not to continue on the process. I participated because I had a bit of free time and I’m always happy when I have an opportunity to highlight blogs I enjoy, but it’s certainly not a requirement. All Best, –MRM

  171. #260 by stellafreeman on December 5, 2014 - 9:05 am

    Hi Kristen,

    I am now following your blog, funny thing is I was listening to JT Debolt the motivational speaker yesterday and he mentioned that you are a writer and inspire and teach other writers. He mentioned about you talking about the art of finishing, and strangely enough this is where my problem lies, so I made a mental note to look you up…. and of course forgot. I get into WordPress today to write in my blog and sure enough there is your name in the left hand corner. I am utterly appreciative of this lovely coincidence and feel that you have a lot to teach. Seeing that you reply to almost everyone on your blog, I was really touched that you are keeping the connection with your readers. Thank you for that lesson. I will be reading your book and wish you all the best in everything. Have a joyous season!!


  172. #262 by Ch'kara SilverWolf on December 15, 2014 - 8:52 pm

    Hi Kristen,
    I have nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Check out my blog http://www.sheerak.wordpress.com
    Blessed be!

  173. #263 by R J Madigan on January 6, 2015 - 9:09 am

    Hi Kristen, I love the blog. Check out our book trailer for our stunning new multitouch ibook The Sword of Air which is now available on ibooks.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNHf2nCW7nc.


  174. #264 by WagginMaster (aka Jerry) on January 24, 2015 - 9:24 pm

    Hi Karen. I found your blog through a WordPress Blogging101 classmate Elle Knowles. I am not a writer but am interested in learning how to use social media to broaden my reader base. I will be downloading your book hoping to breakaway from Social Network Overload.

  175. #265 by curt on February 9, 2015 - 4:58 am

    I really enjoyed, appreciated, and benefited from your article Pride, Perfectionism and Anger, I myself am a recovering jerk!

  176. #267 by dkbunnell on March 14, 2015 - 5:54 pm

    Just discovered you, Kristen. Looking forward to following your blog and learning what you have to share about writers creating their platforms.

  177. #268 by Terri Webster Schrandt on April 2, 2015 - 1:56 pm

    Hi Kristen, I just followed your blog. Quite a following!! And great info on social media networking! I will have to check out your books. thanks for the great info!

  178. #269 by Ron Giesecke on April 26, 2015 - 1:11 pm

    Here I was, flying down the interstate in the half light of some pseusdonymic fantasy about changing my name for wiring purposes (No changing it, but . . . . well, you know) when I now have reasons to divorce myself from that notion altogether.

    Maybe I just this idea that the world will have an aversion to seeing MY name in print? Is this some issue with me that requires Rorschach blots and motivational interviewing?

  179. #270 by jille999 on May 10, 2015 - 7:30 am

    Do you still have Part One?
    Thanks, Jill

  180. #271 by Ash on May 19, 2015 - 5:32 pm

    Hey Kristen, I’ve nominated you for the Sisterhood Award!
    Take a look :). You’re a wonderful writer, and your tips and advice have helped me greatly the last while. Thank you!

  181. #272 by Dyuti Rawat on May 21, 2015 - 7:29 pm

    Hello. I’d like to receive your newsletter via email. Thank you.

  182. #273 by justsayin93 on June 9, 2015 - 1:50 am

    Hi Kristen! I’m not sure if you already wrote a post about the characteristics of a writer. What do you think the characteristics and qualities every writer should posses?


  183. #274 by Jennette on June 13, 2015 - 12:08 pm

    Loved your blogs on creating a deeper POV. It was helpful and timely. I’ve recently completed my first novel, written in third person and have just started my second, which I am writing first person POV from the perspective of three, possibly four characters.
    Thank you!

  184. #275 by lailadarkness on July 6, 2015 - 3:34 am

    I kind of accidentally stumbled upon your blog but I’m glad I did it. I’d love to read one of your books.

  185. #276 by thegatheringfire on July 27, 2015 - 1:30 pm

  186. #277 by pauldavidcoombs on October 1, 2015 - 10:31 am

    Hi Kristen,
    Wow! What an awesome blog – bookmarked. Picked you up on Twitter. Great writing and seemingly great advice. I’m almost complete on my first draft of my first novel. I will be checking in with your updates for sure.
    All I would like to say is…thank you.

  187. #278 by senorfrk on October 17, 2015 - 10:11 pm

    Kristen, I enjoy your blog, but mostly your “as matter of fact” comments about writers.
    I’ve been writing for four years and have maintained a blog titled “Frank Clark Short Stories.”
    I’m an outside the box writer and do not follow the traditional format of short stories.
    My stories are humorous, imaginative and introspective. Take a look at my site and stories.
    http://www.frankclarkshortstories.com. I don’t know how I found you, but I’m glad I did.

  188. #279 by Joy Pixley on October 26, 2015 - 9:06 am

    Hi Kristen, As a sign of how much I appreciate all the great advice and encouragement I get from your blog posts, I’ve thanked you in a Be Thankful Challenge post, and passed on the thankfulness challenge to you. Even if you don’t do the writing challenge itself, it would be great if you could pop over and read the post. Thanks! I mean it! — Joy

    Be Thankful Challenge

  189. #280 by thatssojacob on January 6, 2016 - 8:32 am

    Hey there Kristen! Just browsing around the blogosphere, finding some fun and interesting blogs to follow to make some new friends in 2016. If you like, hop on over to my world at http://www.thatssojacob.wordpress.com, and if you see anything you like, comment or follow! Have a great day and happy new year!

  190. #281 by Jesachi on February 3, 2016 - 6:42 pm

    I’m a newbie to the blog scene. Can’t wait to peruse some of your posts. I found your blog when I Pinterest-searched “martial arts”. I myself am a martial artist, a female warrior! Looking forward to familiarizing myself with your blog. 🙂

  191. #282 by Marsha on May 20, 2016 - 10:57 pm

    Your book, Are you There Blog, It’s me Writer? helped get me started blogging. Thanks for sticking to your writing. 🙂

  192. #283 by Anne Skyvington on June 5, 2016 - 9:54 am

    Hi Kristen
    I’ve just started reading your book, “Rise of Machines”. I’ve written a memoir about being brought up in a dysfunctional family, and how I threw off the worst effects (depression, anxiety) by going down into the depths and facing childhood traumas head-on. I think it’s a good one. Am I right to have changed from WordPress .com to .org, or doesn’t it matter? I’m struggling a bit with the new WordPress. Any advice to an old Aussie baby-boomer?

  193. #284 by Keith Haney on June 30, 2016 - 12:47 pm

    I am looking forward to exploring your blog as I seek to grow as a writer.

  194. #285 by Angela Macala-Guajardo on July 12, 2016 - 9:13 am

    Kristen, I tried emailing you at the one listed on this page but it instantly got sent back to me. I am having an issue and need guidance/suggestions. A friend of my published my books for me and now his, mine, and everyone else’s he helped got banned from amazon because he created multiple KDP accounts. Oi.

    • #286 by Author Kristen Lamb on July 12, 2016 - 1:05 pm

      Actually that really isn’t my area of expertise anyway 😦 . Maybe post on Facebook to see if there are any experts on that. So sorry!

  1. Developing As a Writer and a Person « Dancing at The Orange Peel
  2. We are not alone: Essential reading for any writer tackling social media | Peter Koevari
  3. kidlit and the tweetstream | big ideas
  4. More Cowbell Mash-up #1 | Jenny Hansen's Blog
  5. Kristen Lamb, Pure inspiration! | Mark Knight's Blog
  6. Failure – The Forge of Excellence | Books in the News
  7. 10 Ways to Grow A Blog | Whispered Writings
  8. Books vs. Bytes; Trad vs. Indie | Robert P. French, indie author
  9. I’m Thankful for Flat Tires « Jessica O'Neal
  10. To Your Health! « Kate Wood's Blog
  11. A Very Special Tabhartas (tribute)… « Kate Wood's Blog
  12. 2011 in review | garyfultz
  13. Finnian’s Journey, My Journey, and Keeping It Real | Life As I Know It
  14. Its the same old story… « About Time Publishing Blog
  15. Writing My Breakout Novel « The Diary of a Mad Gay Man
  16. Social Media – Twitter and Writing « mj monaghan
  17. Taking the Plunge ~ ROW80 Check-In « Kate Wood's Blog
  18. Make Like Dorothy: BOAW BlogFest Wrap Up « August McLaughlin's Blog
  19. The Short Film and Serial Novel Comeback? « Lance Schaubert
  20. T.E.A.M–Together Everyone Achieves More « Realty By JM
  21. Social Media – Twitter and Writing - mj monaghan
  22. The Trials of Self-publishing Part 1 | | Donald BueltmannDonald Bueltmann
  23. Thanks Kristen (from a WANA Wannabe) | Alarna Rose Gray
  24. Jumping In and Dialing Back « Elizabeth Fais
  25. » A New Bloggers Journey – May 2012 Highlights Michelle's blog
  26. I received the Sunshine Award! « Tessa Sheppard
  27. In Response to Kristen Lamb’s “An Industry on the Brink” « Stacie Brown's Head in the Clouds, Nose in a Book
  28. Viva la Revolution! « Stacie Brown's Head in the Clouds, Nose in a Book
  29. Writing Resources (Part Two) | Avery Frost
  30. How NOT to Use Social Media: Stalkers, spammers & other social media misfits
  31. Happy birthday to us, WANA1011! | S.J. Driscoll
  32. Link to Kristen Lamb « Anne Williams Smith ~ The Creative Corner
  33. November Begins With Gratitude and Noms! | Sisterly Souls
  34. [In]NaNoWriMo – halfway point « A Fettered Mind
  35. Congratulations,You’re Human, So Get Over Your Imperfections | howilearned.net
  36. IN HER SHADOW Thrill-fest and Release Party! « August McLaughlin's Blog
  37. 3 Surprising Things I’ve Learned About Writing Fiction | Not Another Food Blog
  38. When you shouldn’t edit your writing. (Really!) | The Polished Paragraph
  39. Shifting Tides: #ROW80 Update 1/30/13 « shanjeniah
  40. Congratulations,You’re Human, So Get Over Your Imperfections « www.kmosullivan.com
  41. You Talkin’ To Me? | themodernidiot
  42. The Author CEO |
  43. The U. S. Authors Guild President vs Reality | Notes from An Alien
  44. The 500 Hats of Blog-tholomew Cubbins: Reducing Social Media Stress | August McLaughlin's Blog
  45. Little Darlings & Why They Must Die…for REAL | The Writers' Journey-Dorcas Graham
  46. Authors of the Digital Age–What It Takes to Be a Real Author CEO » Publetariat
  47. Sunday Sampler for May 5, 2013 | shanjeniah
  48. Is it fair for writers to review other writer's books? | DC Lozeau - Author/Writer
  49. Very Inspiring Blogger Award | Vashti Quiroz-Vega's Blog
  50. Farewell to Forty-Three: ROW80 Update, July 28, 2013 | shanjeniah
  51. Some Important Websites for Romance Writers. | Lisa Whitefern
  52. Praise…Please?! | LORRAINE REGULY'S LIFE
  53. WRITING HERO: Kristen Lamb | Writers Helping Writers
  54. Random Acts of Kindness Day 6: More Love For Writers | Writers Helping Writers
  55. Birthdays and ROW80 check-in | Magic, Mayhem and Everything In Between
  56. Going the Extra Mile: Add the Human Touch! | Back-Office Bulletin
  57. Coffee and Conversation: Me, My Brother, and Star Trek: Enterprise | shanjeniah
  58. The Devil’s in the Details–taking your fiction to the next level | Jen's Pen Den
  59. Coffee and Conversation: Do You Write? Do You WANA? | shanjeniah
  60. 3 Things Surprising Things I’ve Learned About Writing Fiction | Laurie Wood Sterbens
  61. Playing With Possibilities: ROW80 Update, 2/26/14 | shanjeniah
  62. Praise...Please?!
  63. Letting Go: They’re Growing Up (Part 1) | Joanna Aislinn's Blog--Love, Life Lessons and Then Some
  64. The Absolutely Most Important Thing a Writer Must Have? - Cora J Ramos, Author
  65. Why I Went To WanaCon | Sara Litchfield
  66. Coffee and Conversation: 33 Round Tuits | shanjeniah
  67. How to Intensify Conflict & Deepen Characters—The Wound | Jen's Pen Den
  68. Second-Serving Sunday: Inspiration Edition! | shanjeniah
  69. Second-Serving Sunday: Betwixt and Between Edition | shanjeniah
  70. Second-Serving Sunday: The OctPoWriMo Edition! | shanjeniah
  71. 3 Tips for Writing a Great Fight Scene - Lee S. Hawke
  72. Second-Serving Sunday: HalloNaNo Edition! | shanjeniah
  73. It’s (Nearly) A Wrap!: 2014 Writing Goals | shanjeniah
  74. JusJoJan Day 4: (Not So) Readerly Confessions | shanjeniah
  75. You’re Too Old…You’re Too Fat…You’re | Mona Karel Author
  76. 10 Ways to Grow a Blog - Call an EditorCall an Editor
  77. Lifetime Writing Goals – (40/365) | I Write and Draw Stuff
  78. 11 World-Class Writers Reveal Their Writing Productivity Secrets | The Creative Copywriter.
  79. I, Too, Want to See You be Brave | Deidre Dykes, Writer
  80. I, Too, Want to See You be Brave | GoWordBird
  81. Read the words as they’re written – or don’t, but YOU choose, not an app | alreadynotpublished
  82. Becoming A ‘Successful’ Author (What Are My Chances?) | Blood Toy
  83. Putting a Face With A (Pen) Name | Blood Toy
  84. Have I Gotten A Round Tuit Yet?: A Coffee and Conversation Post | shanjeniah
  85. The StoryFest Edition: Second Serving Sunday | shanjeniah
  86. The Scrambling and Scribbling (Okay, Typing) Edition: Second Serving Sunday | shanjeniah
  87. About Kristen Lamb | LIFE OUTSIDE : [ The Politically Correct (Tyranny of The Mind) ]
  88. 11 World-Class Writers Reveal Their Best Writing Productivity Secrets
  89. Be Thankful Challenge | Tales from Eneana
  90. Resources for Storytellers: A Roundup | The Daily Post
  91. Reblog: Introducing Deep POV | Chimaeral
  92. Settings and Symbolism - WRITERS HELPING WRITERS™
  93. Kristen Lamb’s Blog-Writer’s Resource – Rosepoint Publishing
  94. Hooked – Blisters, Bunions & Blarney

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