Blogging Part 5–The Counterintuitive Nature of Social Media Influence. Sometimes Up is Down & Down is Up

Welcome to WANA Wednesday, based off my best-selling book We Are Not Alone—The Writer’s Guide to Social Media. Every Wednesday I dedicate this blog to help improve your social marketing skills. For the past month we have been talking about blogging. Everyone seems to be telling writers they need to blog (um…you do), but few people are telling writers what to blog about or how to get started. Each lesson builds upon the previous lesson, so I recommend that, if you are new, go back and read the other posts. My tactics will save you a ton of time and wasted effort.

Blogging Part I—Meet the Bright Idea Fairy then Shoot Her teaches how to know the difference between a really good idea, versus a total time-waster in disguise. This blog teaches you how to focus on blog topics that will build your platform. Gain maximum effect in minimum time. You still need time left over to write more books, remember?

Blogging Part II—Don’t Feed the Trolls is an exploration into how to find good blog topics that will connect you to future READERS and also help you avoid burnout and keep you inspired to keep on blogging.

Blogging Part III—Tearing Up the SEO in 2011 explains how to use search engines to your advantage. What good is a rocking blog if no one can FIND it?

Blogging Part IV—The Future is Now discussed the shifts in the publishing paradigm and why blogging will give you a distinctive edge ahead of the non-blogging or half-ass blogging competition.

In the future we will discuss how to set up a winning blog. Today, down is up and up is down. I am going to discuss the counterintuitive nature of social media. There are many habits that traditional marketing has ingrained in us over the years, but those tactics don’t work on social media. Yet, too many people still try to use old methods in a new business model, and that is like using parts for a 1990 Ford Tempo in a 2011 Audi. All you are going to end up with is a clunky disaster. A lot of smoke and grinding but little to no forward momentum.

First, we are going to discuss whether or not a blog can reach and influence fiction readers. Jody Hedlund’s blog raised a lot of food for thought and highlighted, for me, how hard it is for us to wrap our mind around the real way social media influences. Then, we are going to talk about some ways to increase traffic to your blog, and they may be very different than what you might imagine.

There are a lot of people who believe that there is no way to market fiction. There are others, still, who feel that blogging is the realm of the non-fiction author. It is easy to see why people would feel this way. Social media is an odd duck and behaves very differently than traditional marketing we’ve been exposed to since childhood.

The top agents in New York will tell you that there are only two ways to market fiction (and even books in general). 1) We need to write a darn good book and 2) We need to generate word of mouth. That’s it. That is all that can be done.

Traditional marketing doesn’t work well for any kind of book. It never has. It is just the nature of the product. This isn’t just my opinion, it is a known industry fact (refer to mega-agent Donald Maass’s Fire in the Fiction). Many of you might find this shocking. All those shiny bookmarks, flashy ads, book-signing tours and fancy book trailers actually have minimal effect on sales numbers. I was at a conference and a big editor from one of the major houses told us that they had a NF author with a book on personal finance. The publishing house paid big bucks to take out a full page ad in the Wall Street Journal to push this book…and nothing. This author’s sales numbers didn’t show so much as a tiny blip.

Even before social media, publishing houses would encourage authors to get in the mix–speak, teach, visit community organizations, do radio or television interviews (all still good ideas). An author had to connect with people and hope it would spark some good buzz. It is easy to see how this made it tough for the fiction authors. Most talk shows and speaker opportunities are going to naturally be inclined to favor non-fiction.

But back to good writing and word of mouth. I actually believe that the two principles work in tandem. Writing an excellent book is what gets people talking and generating buzz (word of mouth). In the past, fiction writers had no great way to influence readers or even future readers. Why? Because we were still dealing with traditional marketing. Most beginning writers don’t have the money to go launch a flashy ad campaign to push their book and, even if they did, they could still expect a depressing ROI (return on investment).

But now everything has changed, and it is good news for writers of all kinds—traditionally pubbed, indie pubbed and especially self-pubbed. Social media gives an author the power to build a platform before she ever finishes the book. In fact, if done properly, a writer could have a following in the thousands before the book makes it off the press.

Social media works where traditional marketing fails. How? Social media is, by definition, criteria #2….word of mouth.  

Social media isn’t like traditional marketing. It is almost impossible to generate metrics capable of accurately measuring influence. Why? We aren’t in control. Social networking is a way of approaching outsiders, getting them to trust and like us and our content, and then repackage our content to others. We are hoping that as we reach out to others, not only will we absorb their loyalty, but that their network will become OUR network. It’s what I call The Law of the Playground.

I don’t know you, but my friend likes you. If she likes you then I like you.

The other thing that we have to remember is that social media and blogging in particular is meeting criteria #2…generating word of mouth. You often will reach readers…just not directly. Your followers become the champions of your cause.

Jody Hedlund has one of THE best blogs on writing, and I highly recommend that you check it out. Can her blog directly reach readers who don’t happen to be writers? Maybe. Maybe not. BUT, she is being very successful at connecting with a lot of writers who like her, trust her and support her. Guess what? We have family, friends, coworkers, neighbors and random people we chat with in the bookstore. Who’s book do you think we will recommend?

Psst—that’s the whole word of mouth thing.

Also, many writers have large social network followings and they tweet or post what books they are reading, liking, hating, or papering the bird cage with :D. I know that when Jody’s book came out, half my family bought a copy simply because I like Jody and her blog (and liked her book). My family trusted me for a good recommendation. So, did Jody’s blog influence my family? Yes, just not directly. Her blog hooked me and I grew to like her and trust her for good content. Thus, eventually I felt confident and even excited to promote her book to others.

Did social media/blogging work for Jody? Yes. She hit the best-seller list on her debut novel. Is it possible to accurately measure what worked where? No. But it still works, and that’s all that matters. It is counterintuitive to trust that a loyal following of fellow writers is also reaching readers, but it is. Just keep plugging. Serve others and they will love to serve you.

Okay, I hope you guys feel more confident that your blogging efforts WILL pay off eventually, even if you cannot observe it directly. Now I am going to give you 3 tips to generate more traffic to your blog.

1. Post Regularly

This seems like a no-brainer, but there are a lot of writers out there blogging only when they feel inspired. This makes it tough to gain a following. We need to be able to trust you to post regular content that is interesting, entertaining, or informative.

2. Post More than Once a Week

I know this is going to make some of you groan, but I will tell you from experience that 3 times a week is WAY easier than once a week. Seems counterintuitive, but it is easier. Your following will grow faster, which will encourage you and energize you to do more.

Why post more often? You remain top of mind. We readers have a bazillion things clamoring for our attention, so if you take a break off the radar, you are easy for us to forget. Do you have to post more than one time a week? NO. No one will take you to writer jail if you only blog once a week. This is a list of ways to increase traffic.

If you have been blogging once a week for a year and your hits aren’t increasing as fast as you would like? Post more often. It will improve your following dramatically. The larger the following, the greater the critical mass and better chance you have of hitting that tipping point that takes your numbers to a whole new level. When I posted once a week, I had maybe 2700 hits a month. Now I am regularly 20,000+ and still climbing thanks to all of you (and the methods I am teaching to you guys 😉 ).

3. Pay It Forward–Edify/Promote Others at EVERY Opportunity

Include lots of trackbacks (links to other blogs/web pages) in your posts and do a weekly mash-up. The best way to do well on social media is to edify others. Kristen’s Rule of Social Media Success–Promote the hard work and effort of others more than you promote yourself. This is counterintuitive to traditional marketing. Nike is not out there raving about how great Asics are. Guess what? In the land of blogs and books? We do better teaming up and understanding that love is best shared, and there is more than enough love to go around. Books are not so cost-prohibitive that people cannot afford more than one.

It is safe to assume that people will buy more than one book a year. In fiction, it doesn’t hurt you to promote a fellow writer’s book. Likely readers will read more than one novel a year. If they don’t read more than one novel a year, it is still safe to assume they BUY more than one a year. Also, more often than not, that writer you promoted will return the favor. Though we should always promote others freely and should never expect reciprocation, people are usually pretty cool and will feel inclined to help us in turn.

In non-fiction? Again, readers will buy more than one book. If I were a betting woman, I would wager most of you own more than one diet book ;). I know around here, the diet books have their own shelf, LOL.

I am not worried about promoting another author of a social media book. This other author may say something slightly different from me and it will click with a reader. I am here to serve others, and I have confidence in the quality of my book and the effectiveness of my methods. I also happen to believe that people are genuinely good and that it will all even out in the end.

My social media book doesn’t cover certain topics that people might want to know about. I hope they buy my book, but if a reader wants to know about DiggIt or Squidoo or building a web site, I forward them on to other social media people. But guess what? I have other social media people who recommend me as well…and when we work as a team, we are something to behold. It is awesome.

Blogs are the same. Promote other bloggers, either by putting links to their blog in the body, or by doing a mash-up. Mash-ups are a fantastic way to spread influence. How? First, readers will come to trust you for good recommendations. Face it. We are drowning in a sea of crap and we love people who point us to good material. This will build your following because you have established yourself as a gatekeeper of valuable information.

Also, since you are sharing your network with other bloggers by forwarding your people to them, it is natural that they will appreciate you. This is a great way to gain loyalty of other bloggers and, as a result, expand your network exponentially.

This is my opinion, so take it for what it is worth. I believe that writers confident enough to promote others are confident in their own content. Writers who rarely endorse other writers and who, instead, spam their social network with non-stop self-promotion, generally are much more insecure about their product. I personally, feel more optimistic about writers secure enough to edify others, and I am MUCH more likely to purchase their books.

Promoting others in your blogs also has another benefit that might not be as obvious. It’s one of those ways that blogs indirectly influence. We’ll use me as an example.

You guys benefit from the work I put into this blog (hopefully :D). You reward my effort by subscribing or following. Many of you even go so far as to post this link on your FB, Twitter or blogs or even tell all your writing friends at critique (THANK YOU!). This not only benefits me, but it benefits every writer I have edified in my blog. When you post my link, you not only expose your network to my blog, but to all the writers I have taken time to praise. By edifying others, I get to pay it forward. Other authors are able to be blessed by my good content, just as I was blessed by theirs.

Aside from providing great content that is reliably posted, actively promoting others is the best way to expand influence on social media.

Next week we are going to talk more about blogging, and I will continue to give ways to generate more traffic and grow your platforms.

Any thoughts? Comments? Suggestions? What are some ways you might know of to help increase blog traffic? I certainly don’t know them all so chime in! I would love to hear from you! Are you guys feeling better about blogging? Are there topics you would like me to discuss in future posts?

Happy writing!

Until next time…..

Give yourself the gift of success so you can ROCK 2011. My best-selling book We Are Not Alone–The Writers Guide to Social Media is recommended by literary agents and endorsed by NY Times best-selling authors. My method is free, fast, simple and leaves time to write more books. Put that gift card you got for Christmas to good use.

Also, I highly recommend the Write It Forward Workshops. Learn all about plotting, how to write great characters, and even how to self-publish successfully…all from the best in the industry. I will be teaching on social media and building a brand in March. For $20 a workshop, you can change your destiny….all from the comfort of home. It is not too late to sign up for the workshop Selling Your Book taught by USA Today Best-Selling Author Bob Mayer. This workshop is for all authors, but any self-pubbed writers would stand to gain amazing benefit.

Mash-Up of Awesomeness

AWESOME BLOG OF THE WEEK!!!! (It is really good) Chuck Wendig’s Drop the Pen, Grab a Hammer: Building the Writer’s Platform This is one of the best explanations of what constitutes a writer’s platform that I have ever heard. Had to come back and add to the Mash-Up of Awesomeness.

Jody Hedlund’s post Do Fiction Readers Really Read Author’s Blogs?

@KidLit’s A Writer’s Plot Board–Getting Organized

Creating an Author Brand–Why It’s Really Not About the Book by Roni Loren

Literary Agent Rachelle Gardner’s How to Avoid Getting an Agent

How Do You Decide on Author Brand–Part One by Paranormal Author Jami Gold

Feed Your Geek:

The Greek Myths–Zeus King of the Gods by Terrell Mims

Jim Jones and the People’s Temple III by Peter St. Clair

Dissassociative Identity Disorder in Popular Culture by Manon Eileen

Fun Stuff:

Tawna Fenske’s Happily Ever After … or Something Like That

Piper Bayard’s Reverse Psychology Resolutions

Author Chuck Wendig’s Buckle Up Authors: You Are Now Entering the Month of “What Now?”

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  1. #1 by M. McGriff on January 5, 2011 - 2:51 pm

    I first have to say that I love the picture of the Chesire Cat! 🙂

    Your tip about promoting other bloggers on your blog is excellent! Social Media is all about being social and being part of a community, not just talking about yourself all of the time!

    I’ve also implemented the blogging three times a week and I’ve seen a drastic difference in my traffic so thank you for that!

  2. #2 by Piper Bayard on January 5, 2011 - 3:05 pm

    Hi Kristen. Thanks for the shout out. I appreciate all your support, and yes, people definitely appreciate all the work you put into your blog.

    It’s been fascinating these past few months swimming in the social media pool. It’s so true what you say. On Twitter, I see people who only promote themselves shut out, ignored, and relegated to the sidelines all the time. No one takes them seriously. They are like the geeky kid who always makes comments that have nothing to do with what’s happening in the group. But the people who are supportive of others and paying attention? They are constantly promoted and have the fastest-growing followings.

    Thanks for your awesome post. 🙂

    • #3 by Marilag Lubag on January 5, 2011 - 7:48 pm

      Actually, if people “only promote themselves in the shout out, ignored, and relegated themselves to the sidelines all the time,” I don’t normally add them in Twitter. I think that they’re spammers (I literally check people’s tweets just to make sure they’re not). Now, if the person tells what they had been up to and replies? I know they’re people I can connect to with Twitter.

  3. #4 by Thaddeus Dombrowski on January 5, 2011 - 3:37 pm

    Another good post.

  4. #5 by Peter on January 5, 2011 - 3:52 pm

    As always, thank you for your support. I’ve blogged before in the past, but due to irregular intervals between posts and my often erratic view on post subjects, they never reached a following I could be happy with. Since taking your advice on how I should be doing it, in only a few short months, I have have regular, albeit small, following, which is more than I can say for my previous endeavors. I can also say, without a doubt, that with your mash-up of awesomeness, I have run across some very helpful and friendly bloggers (that’s you Piper and Manon and others). Thanks again!

  5. #6 by Bob Mayer on January 5, 2011 - 3:53 pm

    One of the hardest things for me to learn about social media was consistency. If I do not post at least once a week, it’s almost not worth doing. Twice a week is the minimum now at Write It Forward. Our attention spans are short. If I got to someone’s blog and they haven’t posted in more than a week, my take is that they don’t care much, so why should I care?
    It’s time intensive. But there are things to make it doubly worthwhile. One is to write or rewrite a book on your blog. The other is to ask questions, to learn from your audience.

  6. #7 by Manon Eileen on January 5, 2011 - 4:03 pm

    Thanks again for your support, Kristen, I appreciate it so much!

    Another great post on blogging! Your tricks are the best and I will use them until I die ^_^ (okay kidding, until I stop writing, but that’s probably when I die >_>)

    And Peter! *high fives*

  7. #8 by dtrasler on January 5, 2011 - 4:07 pm

    It’s so good getting a regular boot up the enthusiasm! I have to underline the point about referencing other blogs in your blog – my two biggest hikes in numbers last year were the result of mentioning (and pingbacking) some other bloggers, and getting a repost on Facebook by a mentioned blogger. I’m still struggling with the idea of posting more than once a week – I don’t want to sacrifice quality for quantity since I’m blogging about the emigration experience, and life has settled – there’s fewer big things happening!
    Thanks again Kristen, looking forward to the next post – printing this one out and taping it to the wall….

    • #9 by Author Kristen Lamb on January 5, 2011 - 4:16 pm

      We are going to talk about this more next week, but I recommend taking a day or three and dedicating it to writing blogs. Write and load as many as you can in the queue. In fact, in my book I advise to write 15 blogs before you ever launch your blog. It seems like a lot, but it is really not that hard. I try to keep a week ahead. There are days I do nothing but write blogs, and it is a nice break from your regular writing. I am so happy this blog is such an inspiration and help to you. Thanks for your support! 😀

  8. #10 by kadja2 on January 5, 2011 - 4:15 pm

    I always look forward to your posts. I keep saying I’m only going to blog once a week, and then I end up doing more anyway. Usually, if something happens I think is worth mentioning, or if I remember some crazy antic one of my sons pulled as teenagers! Mentioning other bloggers is a great idea! I will do that! Thank you for the tips!

  9. #11 by Jenni Holbrook-Talty on January 5, 2011 - 4:16 pm

    I’ve written for a couple of on-line things such as Examiner and have been involved in some successful blogs over the years. Examiner tells their writers to post often, to post on topic, to keep it short and to the point and to link often. When I was active with Examiner the more I posted, the more people came to visit. I also found that shorter was better, because it allowed me to write more often. If I could break a post up into two, then I did it, giving me two posts that week instead of one.

    Hardest part in all this, at least for me, is balance.

    • #12 by kadja2 on January 5, 2011 - 4:19 pm

      I can relate to the hardest part being “balance” for me as well.

  10. #13 by nathanandersonhope on January 5, 2011 - 4:29 pm

    Thanks Kristen. “Tearing up the SEO” was extremely helpful.

    Is it possible to have too many tags? I’m focused on teaching people about God and the Bible, but I do so for both kids and adults in several formats: writing, radio, speaking and teaching. I’m working on a fantasy novel series for kids, but am also planning several non-fiction book for adults.

  11. #14 by Jami Gold on January 5, 2011 - 4:46 pm

    Thank you so much for the shout-out! I appreciate it.

    I’m definitely one that believes in promoting others. When other people, blogs, or articles inspire me (even just a tiny bit), I link to them. If I think something is interesting enough to comment on, I tweet it. I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t see it that way. *sigh* 🙂

  12. #15 by Rhonda Hopkins on January 5, 2011 - 4:50 pm

    More great advice. Thanks, Kristen! I have a question for you, if you don’t mind. I have a fiction and non-fiction in the works. Would you suggest using the same blog for both types of books and scheduling specific days to blog about content related to each? Or, separate blogs altogether? Thanks again for all you do. 🙂

    • #16 by Author Kristen Lamb on January 5, 2011 - 4:52 pm

      You need to blog more than once a week, so one approach is to just dedicate a day to each. Remember with the fiction that you will grow a following faster and also have better, more searchable content if you stick to blogging on topic. For instance, if you write paranormal romance, blogging on the paranormal is better than posting sections of your book or talking about characters. Does that help? And you are most welcome. 😀

      • #17 by Rhonda Hopkins on January 5, 2011 - 5:16 pm

        Thanks! That’s really what I was hoping you’d say. 🙂

  13. #18 by Kathy Owen on January 5, 2011 - 5:06 pm

    Great post, Kristen! What I really like about your advice is that I come away from it thinking “I can do that!” But what are mashups?

    Thanks, Kathy

    • #19 by Author Kristen Lamb on January 5, 2011 - 5:10 pm

      Scroll to the bottom of my page. Mash-Ups are just a list of blogs that you recommend for whatever reason. Sorry I didn’t expound, but the blog was already long enough, LOL.

  14. #20 by Susan Bischoff on January 5, 2011 - 5:30 pm

    :Holds up WANA and does best commercial voice: Since I read your book, traffic on my blog has increased about..four times? I’ve had a substantial increase in subscribers, I now have regular commenters and don’t feel like I’m talking to myself, and I occasionally receive email just about the blog. Maybe the most noticeable thing that started happening was people finding me by searching for things like my name, my book, my series. The increase in views each month was similar to the increase in book sales, initially, and then continued to grow, even while sales hit a plateau, as some of those readers came back to the blog and hung around to wait for the next book.

    I’m still talking about writer topics a lot, and most of my regulars and a lot of my traffic are fellow indies who are interested in those things and promote me, at least in part, because of them. I still haven’t figured out how to talk to the non-writers. I’m trying to write a book for them. But I’m thinking about it.

    Mostly this was just to say, yes, feeling better about blogging. Thank you.

  15. #21 by Kerry Meacham on January 5, 2011 - 6:47 pm

    Great post again Kristen. I’ve started two blogs in the past year, but I stopped both of them mainly due to Bad Idea Fairies and Trolls. I’m reading through your book now and have spotted numerous bad moves I would have made on the third try. I want to start again but I know I need to get through your book, set a good social media strategy, and then work the plan. Having been in sales and marketing the last 20 years, it is great to have a road map that makes sense of this counterintuitive landscape. Keep it coming.


  16. #22 by Marilag Lubag on January 5, 2011 - 7:10 pm

    Thank you for the wonderful advice. The third item on your list reminds me of the golden rule “Do not do unto others what you do not want to do unto you.” Of course, the opposite is true. With that being said I have to read more blogs. That way, I could recommend more.

  17. #23 by Jody Hedlund on January 5, 2011 - 7:57 pm

    I love your posts, Kristen! I’m glad to know now that there’s a writer’s jail out there. I guess that means I’ll have to watch my posts and make sure that I’m writing nice fluffy stuff. 😉 No serioulsy, I love tackling issues that I’m dealing with on a personal basis, issues that I think other writers might be struggling with too. Thank you for always offering such great insights. This is a brave new world of social media that we’re jumping into feet first. And I appreciate the reminder that we can’t have the same approach as traditional marketing. AND thank you for spreading the word about my book! That means so much to me! 🙂

  18. #24 by Monica P. Watkins on January 5, 2011 - 10:40 pm

    I love your posts, Kristen! I’ve noticed a lot of blogs for writers focus on fiction writers. Are there any out there that speak to us non-fiction types? Do you feel like most of the writing rules of engagement are the same across the board? I’ve been one of those “once a week” bloggers, and my goal really is to increase my posting this year. Your posts are really helpful (and I have shared them on FB and tweeted about them!).

    • #25 by Author Kristen Lamb on January 6, 2011 - 1:36 pm

      Actually all of this applies to non-fiction. NF authors naturally blog on topic and in ways that connect with an audience. Why? They offer a service. The trick with fiction is to retool the thinking where they are offering a service as well. For instance, if I am a NF author of diet books, it is natural to blog about food, health, fitness, and hang out where the fluffy people are (because they are most likely to buy your book). With fiction, we have to blog for demographic on topics that will interest our particular brand of readers. For instance, if an author writes mysteries, she could blog on big cases throughout history or developments in forensics. These are topics that are going to interest people who read mysteries. Thanks for sharing about my blog. I hope I answered your questions. This series will help you just as much as the fiction author :D.

  19. #26 by M.E. Anders on January 6, 2011 - 2:24 am

    Kristen – way to go! This is a tremendous follow-up to your book WANA that I just completed. I put everything into action (even the MySpace site…can you believe it? 🙂

    In my first week of social media, I am already getting positive feedback from other authors, writers, friends, and acquaintances (you know those hundreds of “friends” on Facebook?)

    Keep inspiring!

    Here’s my first blogpost:

  20. #27 by Peter Koevari on January 6, 2011 - 4:12 am

    Thanks Kristen!

    You are inspiring me to reinvent my blog and to grab time by the horns. Looking forward to learning even more from you.

  21. #28 by Jill Swenson on January 6, 2011 - 4:59 am

    I confess I don’t read YA and am one of those non-fiction book people you describe. Hitting the nail on its head, honey. I’ve enjoyed reading several of your entries that keep me thinking long after I’ve left the page. I’m glad I’m a subscriber. Keep the savvy how-to coming down the turnpike.

  22. #29 by Patrick Thunstrom on January 6, 2011 - 9:46 pm

    I’ve only been posting 3 days a week for one month. In that one month, I almost doubled my regular uniques. I just barely missed the benchmark set by one spectacularly placed link. I had over 200 hits in one day due to one link I posted. Unfortunately, it was when my blog was at its worst, and I didn’t retain many of those readers.

    In addition to the more regular readership, I feel my content is improving, the blog posts are coming easier, and I’m getting more interested over all.

    I guess this is a lot of words to say: I totally agree!

  23. #30 by Jessica Thomas on January 6, 2011 - 11:07 pm

    Are your ears burning? I’ve been talking about you over at my blog. Thanks for all the great tips!

  24. #31 by Ana on January 7, 2011 - 6:33 pm

    I am lucky enough to have a very supportive husband who is willing and able to support me while I attempt to be a full-time writer. I have no problems writing and editing for hours a day, but the idea of blogging is SO overwhelming to me! Still, I just set up a blog and am working toward posting regularly. This really helped to reinforce the importance of blogging while somehow making it seem less overwhelming. Thanks!

    • #32 by Author Kristen Lamb on January 7, 2011 - 7:19 pm

      You aren’t attempting, you are doing ;). Next Wednesday’s blog is going to help you make blogging manageable :D.

  25. #33 by knotrune on January 8, 2011 - 5:48 pm

    Great advice as usual! I posted a review of my favourite bookshop on my new blog, with photos, and mentioned it on their Facebook page. They then reposted my link on their wall. I had been getting about 15 clicks a day, but today it’s at 68 and rising!

  26. #34 by Lisa Ullrich on January 9, 2011 - 5:01 pm

    I’ve really only been mindfully keeping up my blog the past month. I’ve also started Twittering a lot more than I was. I came across the 2011 Creative Every Day Challenge ( and I decided to make this a part of my resolution. I’m an artist at heart and I’ve just begun stepping into the writing world. I’ve put my art on the back burner, but really want to bring it forward again. By joining this challenge, I’ve been keeping a daily log of my creativity on a blog page. I post a link once a week on the 2011 Creative Every Day Challenge website. I also Tweet my new my posts using the hashtag #CED2011. I watch for the other people in the challenge to post and I comment on their creativeness. There are about 350 people who joined this challenge.

    From this resolution, I’ve gained a few followers and supporters. It wasn’t really something I had even thought about when I started it. I was just trying to find a way to help keep my creativity and motivation in check for myself. I also had a resolution for a Happiness Project, following Gretchen Rubin’s blog, which I also maintain a daily list for on my blog. These things are where I get my most traffic. It’s not a ton, my biggest day was 29 views, but I was extremely excited about that and I have 1 subscriber (other than myself)! I’m getting my feet wet and learning as I go, but I appreciate the help that you provide.

  27. #35 by hbur on January 10, 2011 - 1:21 am

    I’m considering starting a featured blog section on my blog, but what is the etiquette for blog sharing? Do I need to give others a heads up if I am interested in sharing a link to their blog in one of my posts?

    • #36 by Author Kristen Lamb on January 10, 2011 - 1:33 pm

      That’s a good question and one I don’t know how to answer. I know anyone who featured my work would be greatly appreciated so long as they were keeping it in the spirit of the original message. I believe most bloggers are trying to build a plartform and actions like that help extend that platform, so we are more often than not, grateful. Thanks for taking thw time to comment, and if you ever want a feature, I would be happy to help, :D. I can even point you to some other outstanding bloggers.

      • #37 by hbur on January 13, 2011 - 3:16 am

        So far, I am reaching out to blogger friends to see if they mind being a featured blog. I’ve had surprisingly few responses (suddenly feeling like the unpopular kid in gym class). I really enjoy your blog. You have some excellent points. I’m sure I will feature your blog at some point, and I will let you know in advance so you can check it out.

      • #38 by hbur on January 22, 2011 - 12:38 am

        Taking you up on your offer to feature your blog if that is okay? I plan to feature you next Friday, 2/28/11. Let me know if this is okay!

        • #39 by Author Kristen Lamb on January 22, 2011 - 12:39 am

          Cool. remind me so I can promote. I like your blog background, btw.

      • #40 by hbur on January 22, 2011 - 12:53 am

        Just a note – by 2/28, I mean 1/28. Editor, what?

      • #41 by hbur on January 28, 2011 - 12:40 am

        So tomorrow I will be featuring your blog. I just wanted to remind you. I will post a link on this comment chain for you unless there is a better way to send it to you. Thanks!

      • #42 by hbur on January 28, 2011 - 1:03 pm

        I also mentioned your book. If this is not okay, let me know! Happy Friday!

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  4. Blogging Part 5–The Counterintuitive Nature of Social Media … | World Media Information
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  8. Blogging Part 6–Maintaining Your Sanity and Your Blog « Kristen Lamb's Blog

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